World Stage and the Politics Illusion: Steve Bannon to Report to Prison

This act of the ongoing Trump theatre had the sleeping gullible masses and baby troofers cry out like little children on X, former Twitter, with statements such as, “This is political persecution,” “It’s 1939 and Biden is Hitler,” and “It’s tyranny and we’re living through it.” Frikkin’ hilarious. These Q’tards, gullible baby troofers, and right-wing puppets actually think that this is real! That this actor, this Jesuit-controlled Freemason by the name of ‘Steve Bannon,’ […]

World Stage and the Politics Illusion: Steve Bannon to Report to Prison Read the Full Article »

The 2023 Emergency Alert System Drill Decoded

And there we go. Another fear tactic employed by the ‘elite’ fueled by shills and alternative media within the ‘conspiracy realm.’ I’ve had multiple people write me in the last week, worrying and asking about 5G and graphene. This is usual among those slowly waking up to reality, as the ‘fear programming’ and the conditioning to look for authorities and to be led is still strong, so they easily get influenced by shills and

The 2023 Emergency Alert System Drill Decoded Read the Full Article »

Donald Trump Hints at 2024 White House Comeback at CPAC Texas

The Jesuit’s little Zionist puppet, Donald Trump, hinted during the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Texas, that the official announcement for him running in the 2024 election will come soon. I’ve decoded some of these previous hints, and they have all been heavily coded and performed by the numbers, as the little controlled chess piece and actor that he is. On March 30 in 2021, as in 3/30, or the Freemasonic ’33,’ Donald

Donald Trump Hints at 2024 White House Comeback at CPAC Texas Read the Full Article »

The circulating number ‘233’, our current year 2021 and August 21

About a week back or so, some people noticed that they did another wave of fake corona cases on the media all over the world. Remember when they started the fake pandemic in March 2020, and hundreds of cities across the world reported “33” cases? You know, the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry ‘33’. It could not be more obvious fake if they tried. Now the same thing happened but with ‘233’ cases in at

The circulating number ‘233’, our current year 2021 and August 21 Read the Full Article »

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