Murder by Numbers: Cindy Williams, Kyle Smaine, Bobby Hull, Barrett Strong, and Lisa Loring

In the year of Skull and Bones Freemasonry, it’s impossible to keep up with all their scripted ritual sacrifices and staged fake shootings. We had the announcement of the alleged death of Cindy Williams, the actress who played “Shirley Feeney,” a name that equals 75 and 156 in gematria, and you guessed it, she died at 75 years and 156 days of age. Not even a retarded coincidence theorist could argue with that not […]

Murder by Numbers: Cindy Williams, Kyle Smaine, Bobby Hull, Barrett Strong, and Lisa Loring Read the Full Article »

Puppets Flock Together – Musk Reinstate Trump on Twitter in Skull and Bones Ritual

We know it would happen; the only question was when. November 5th or 6th would have been too obvious, as those dates would have been on the 666th day or 666 days after Trump’s Twitter suspension on January 9, 2021. Instead, puppet Elon Musk started a fake and staged vote on the platform on Friday evening, November 18, the 322nd day of the year, as in Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry, and Trump

Puppets Flock Together – Musk Reinstate Trump on Twitter in Skull and Bones Ritual Read the Full Article »

The Obama Antichrist Portrait Unveiling Ceremony at the White House

September 7, 2022, marked the Obamas’ first joint return to the White House since they left in 2017. Stand-in President ‘Biden-time’ hosted the very satanic ceremony for former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama at the White House for the unveiling of their official portraits. First a big thank you to Joseph Acquaviva who recorded this event and also made a quick decode (added at the end of this coverage.)As you

The Obama Antichrist Portrait Unveiling Ceremony at the White House Read the Full Article »

New China Theatre as They Claim 35 Cases of Made-Up Bad-Guy Langya Virus

Oh yes, the show must go on. We are at the commercial break between the main events of the first staged and fake pandemic and the second pandemic they are all warning us about, and during this break we have been stuffed with more programming such as CON-vid variants, Marburg, Nipah, Polio, Monkeypox, and now ‘Langya.’ All complete bollocks to keep the sinister and evil virus lie alive among the gullible and dumbed down

New China Theatre as They Claim 35 Cases of Made-Up Bad-Guy Langya Virus Read the Full Article »

CIA-puppet “al Qaeda” leader Ayman al-Zawahiri Allegedly “Killed” in U.S. Drone Strike

According to the scripted official narrative, the United States killed al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in a drone strike, President Joe Biden said Monday in a speech from the White House. Zawahiri was sheltering in downtown Kabul to reunite with his family, Biden said, and was killed in what a senior administration official described as “a precise tailored airstrike” using two Hellfire missiles. The drone strike was conducted at 9:48 p.m. ET on Saturday

CIA-puppet “al Qaeda” leader Ayman al-Zawahiri Allegedly “Killed” in U.S. Drone Strike Read the Full Article »

Ivana Trump, First Wife of Donald Trump, Dies at Young 73 in Obvious Ritual — Updated

Donald Trumps first wife, Ivana, has died in her home in New York City. She was only 73-years-old, which is a very young age to die unless you really abuse your body with plant-based foods, synthetic chemicals, drugs and medicines, and so on. Also, it was only a few days ago that former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was retired in a staged murder ritual and we speculated that it might have been predictive

Ivana Trump, First Wife of Donald Trump, Dies at Young 73 in Obvious Ritual — Updated Read the Full Article »

Fist Bumps Instead of Handshakes – The Ultimate Mockery

I know, I’ve mentioned this when the idiocy first started at the beginning of the staged and fake pandemic. However, it’s something that has continued and the sheep goes along with it while everyone laugh their asses off. Now, let’s just pretend that something as stupid as viruses and contagious diseases exist. I know, it’s retarded. But according to their fake and silly science, these viruses are supposed to be spread by people opening

Fist Bumps Instead of Handshakes – The Ultimate Mockery Read the Full Article »

Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe Allegedly Dead After Shooting in Jesuit Ritual – Puppet Trump Next?

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot on Friday morning, July 8, in Nara, Japan. This occurred while it still was July 7 in more than half of the world and there was 177-days remaining in the year. July 7 was also the anniversary of the assassination of Haiti’s Prime Minister Jovenel Moïse. The Jesuit Order = 177 (the order writing the script)New World Order = 177 (what they all want)That Old Serpent

Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe Allegedly Dead After Shooting in Jesuit Ritual – Puppet Trump Next? Read the Full Article »

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