Search Results for: insulin resistance blood glucose damage

Low Testosterone and Blood Sugar Blues

Today we return to T-Nation and their latest article covering SHBG and its relationship with total testosterone and the very important “free testosterone.” As they are a supplement company pretending to be a ”hardcore” fitness and bodybuilding magazine, we can expect a lot of bullshit as they try to protect their bro-science lifestyle and sell totally worthless and very toxic supplements that I wouldn’t even touch if they paid me handsomely for trying them.So, […]

Low Testosterone and Blood Sugar Blues Read the Full Article »

Corn Is A Sugary And Toxic Veggie Turd 

As T-Nation once again ran an advertisement article about the extremely toxic and dangerous Vitamin D supplements, which I’ve covered several times, the soyboy, fruitboy, and now cornboy, Matt Weik over at Ironmagazine published an article pushing the sugary toxic yellow turd, you know, the utter crap called corn. As this website is all about exposing lies, deceit and the inverted reality, let’s see what our clueless cornboy Matt has to say, and I’ll

Corn Is A Sugary And Toxic Veggie Turd  Read the Full Article »

Obesity And Diabetes Does Not Cause Fatty Liver. Your Diet Does!

Today we return to the pharmaceutical shills and disinformation agents at Healthline and their attempt to break down “nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.” Well, first of all, it’s not a disease, it’s a condition developed from a non-human and very unnatural diet. So, let’s see what they have to say, and I’ll use my 30+ years of experience and understanding, backed by the real science found within the fields of physiology, biology, and biochemistry. “You

Obesity And Diabetes Does Not Cause Fatty Liver. Your Diet Does! Read the Full Article »

Sarcopenia Is Due To A Toxic And High-Carb Diet

Today we return to the supplement-shills at T-Nation and their leading writer Chris Shugart with an article about sarcopenia — the progressive and generalized loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength. Let’s see how Chris tries to fit this subject into the world of fitness and strength training, and what supplements he would like his gullible readers to purchase this time around. “Lifters tune out when they hear the word sarcopenia. That’s an old-fart

Sarcopenia Is Due To A Toxic And High-Carb Diet Read the Full Article »

Backwards Thinking:  Gut Microbiome 101 and Type 2 Diabetes

The pharmaceutical shill website Medical News Today recently posted an article based on a ridiculous review of “existing literature” on the gut microbiome and type 2 diabetes. And this “review” is a perfect example of how incredibly indoctrinated, stupid, and backwards thinking the researchers within the medical- and pharmaceutical field are. To be perfectly honest, most researchers totally lack common sense, logic, and insight into other much more important fields, such as physiology, biology,

Backwards Thinking:  Gut Microbiome 101 and Type 2 Diabetes Read the Full Article »

Backwards Thinking: Heme Iron And Diabetes?

The pharmaceutical-shills at Medical News Today recently posted an article based on a “study” that somehow linked the consumption of red meat and particularly ‘heme iron’ to an increased risk of diabetes. Now, anyone with any sign of intelligence should know that ‘diabetes’ develops as a result of a non-human diet consisting of a lot of carbohydrates and also seed/vegetable oils. If you follow our natural proper human diet that is ketogenic in nature,

Backwards Thinking: Heme Iron And Diabetes? Read the Full Article »

It’s Not Diabetes-Related Complications, It’s Carbohydrate-Related Health Complications

With a recent article by the shills at Medical News Today, we’re back to beating (flogging) that old dead horse of carbohydrates. Yet, this is a really important issue, especially since the fake pseudo-science of modern medicine and nutrition twists and invert everything. Also, they tend to stick labels onto every little issue without even understanding it, as in diabetes for example. This time, MNT recently published an article with the headline, “Diabetes-related health

It’s Not Diabetes-Related Complications, It’s Carbohydrate-Related Health Complications Read the Full Article »

Is The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet A Good Choice For Athletes?

Today we return to Iron Magazine, the supplement-based “bodybuilding and fitness magazine” platform that once upon a time tried to ride on the popularity of our online magazine IronMag Online. This time, their writer Matt Weik tackles the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD.) So, let’s see what he has to say, and I’ll add my thoughts from my 28-years of experience with ketogenic diets and elite-level coaching. “Many people have heard of, tried, or have

Is The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet A Good Choice For Athletes? Read the Full Article »

Obesity And Inflammation Explained: Why It Will Only Get Worse

Once again we return to Medical News Today and another article based on a study on “treating” obesity while ignoring the root cause, which is yet another example of why things will never change and only get worse, as we’ve seen for the last 40+ years. As I’ve explained in previous articles, the current backwards “sciences,” especially those of “modern medicine” and “nutrition” has been in play for a long time, fully govern by

Obesity And Inflammation Explained: Why It Will Only Get Worse Read the Full Article »

Your Eyesight Is Slowly Being Destroyed By Carbohydrates

Today we return to the bodybuilding and fitness web magazine, and supplement-pusher, T-Nation, or the “community for enhanced fitness,” as they describe themselves. In their recent supplement advertisement, they tackle the issue of eye health. Let’s see if they address the real causes of eyesight degeneration, as in what to avoid to actually reverse the condition, or if they simply want to sell you something. Yeah, I know, it’s the latter. However, I’ll give you

Your Eyesight Is Slowly Being Destroyed By Carbohydrates Read the Full Article »

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