Search Results for: colon cancer

Fueling Disinformation: 2023 in Medicine

The Disinformation and Big Pharma shill website ‘Medical News Today’ (MNT) recently posted an article looking at 2023 in medicine and three topics that they considered dominated the headlines: artificial sweeteners, colon cancer, and male birth control. And no, do not worry, they do not (yet) claim that men can get pregnant, as in the ‘woke mental illness’ that swept through some of the walking zombies/NPCs, instead it’s about alternatives to condoms and vasectomies. […]

Fueling Disinformation: 2023 in Medicine Read the Full Article »

Murder by Numbers: Brazilian Soccer Legend Pelé Dead At 82 in Sacrifice Ritual

Many of us predicted that Pelé would be reported dead before the end of the year, because he’s been frequented in the media for his bad health and many hospitalizations – especially during the World Cup. I mentioned Pelé and also the date of December 29 in my decode of the alleged death of soccer journalist Grant Wahl. Zach over at Gematria Effect News mentioned December 29 in his live video from December 28.

Murder by Numbers: Brazilian Soccer Legend Pelé Dead At 82 in Sacrifice Ritual Read the Full Article »

Biden Tests Positive for Non-Existent CONvid-19 Again – Will He be the 9th to Die in Office, and will Harris be #47 on August 11?

This ongoing Biden Covid-19 farce could be seen as the ultimate mockery of your intelligence, simply shouting in your face that viruses does not exist, that Covid-19 is fake. It should be obvious at this day, even for those lacking in the thinking department, that the Coronavirus pandemic was staged and totally fake. Heck, you actually need to be a bit slow and challenged if you still believe in the germ theory and the

Biden Tests Positive for Non-Existent CONvid-19 Again – Will He be the 9th to Die in Office, and will Harris be #47 on August 11? Read the Full Article »

10 Diet/Nutrition Myths That Must Die In 2020

Plants cannot run away from predators. Therefore, they have developed several sinister defense mechanisms to prevent them from being eaten. These include toxins that are highly poisonous in larger quantities, antinutrients that block nutrients from being absorbed and can cause cellular damage, and phytoestrogens that will make the predator infertile. As for vitamins and minerals, none of these are in bioavailable form and must be converted in our bodies. The bioconversion rate is between

10 Diet/Nutrition Myths That Must Die In 2020 Read the Full Article »

Fiber is NOT needed

Fiber is NOT needed in the human diet

A common standpoint among conventional health practitioners is that fiber is good for you. Not only good but necessary. This is of course complete nonsense. There is no evidence in any literature that humans need fiber or that it is necessary for good health. In fact, fiber has been linked to constipation, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and colon cancer. Also, if fiber clogs you up and delay digestion, you can

Fiber is NOT needed in the human diet Read the Full Article »

Human Growth Hormone. Applications, and the aging process

Human Growth Hormone Applications, and the aging process Written by Joachim Bartoll, October 2016 and February 2017.Classic Muscle Newsletter #31 Part 1 Perhaps no other hormone in the body is subject to more misconceptions than human growth hormone (GH). If you are to believe the many claims repeatedly made on numerous web sites and blogs, as well as that often voiced by various “anti-aging clinics,” GH is a miracle hormone that can set back

Human Growth Hormone. Applications, and the aging process Read the Full Article »

Healing And Detoxing: Different Foods Suppress Migraine By Different Mechanics

Today we return to the pharmaceutical and government shills at Healthline for a perfect example of how little researchers understand human physiology and biology — especially when it comes to symptoms and the healing processes and what actually happens when you consume something that relieves you of that symptom. Yes, I’ve covered this in articles such as “More on Disease and Healing – And Why Most Medicines and “Natural” Remedies are Worthless,” “Reminder! Herbs,

Healing And Detoxing: Different Foods Suppress Migraine By Different Mechanics Read the Full Article »

Does Refeeding After Fasting Accelerate Tumor Growth?

The shills at Medical News Today recently posted an article based on a new study performed on mice, which should say all you need to know — as mice react differently to various toxins, have a completely different anatomy and organ proportions, have a different metabolic profile, including a different nutrient uptake, processing, and storage. With that said, the study looked at mice with “cancer” and what happened during a refeeding period after fasting

Does Refeeding After Fasting Accelerate Tumor Growth? Read the Full Article »

Food For Athletes And Workouts

Today we revisit the shill Dr. Axe and his staff’s latest attempt to write an article about ‘workout nutrition’ and food for athletes. On June 23, I reviewed a similar article from Healthline, which was, well, really bad. Let’s see how this ‘Rachael Link’ does, and I’ll add my thoughts from working at the absolute elite-level in this field for more than 20 years. “It’s no secret that hitting the gym is important when

Food For Athletes And Workouts Read the Full Article »

Downplaying The Damage of Ultra-Processed Food

Today we return to the government and pharmaceutical disinformation and propaganda website Medical News Today and their latest article on ‘ultra-processed food’ with the claim that it “may raise risk of death by 10%” 10%? Anything that is contraindicated to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific carnivorous diet of animal-based foods is going to hurt us and shorten our life-span. So, that is not a 10% risk, that is 100% guarantee! As the dangers of processed

Downplaying The Damage of Ultra-Processed Food Read the Full Article »

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