Search Results for: antioxidants

The Push For Highly Toxic Cacao and Chocolate (And The Deadly Plant-Based Agenda)

Everything that the elites and the industry want to condition you with comes and goes in cycles — and it gets repeated over and over again with a few years apart. Usually the topic returns after they’ve run a fake study they funded, or by the “news” of a start-up company that they also funded themselves, a company that is doing “something different.” It’s all part of the same agenda though; that of keeping […]

The Push For Highly Toxic Cacao and Chocolate (And The Deadly Plant-Based Agenda) Read the Full Article »

Turmeric (Curcumin) and Black Pepper (Piperine) Linked to Liver Damage

This should not come as a surprise, as these spices and herbs are very rich in phenols and polyphenols, as in phytonutrients, as in plant defense chemicals; poisonous compounds produced by the plant to ward off and kill anyone who tries to eat it. This is common knowledge within biology. What might come as a surprise is that the pharmaceutical shill-website Medical News Today actually writes about it. Well, they kind of have to,

Turmeric (Curcumin) and Black Pepper (Piperine) Linked to Liver Damage Read the Full Article »

The Manufacturing Process of Fish Oil and Why to Avoid it

Once again we return to the bodybuilding- and fitness website of T-Nation and the latest advertisement-article on fish oil by their CCO Chris Shugart. They really have been pushing out a lot of these kinds of articles lately, trying to justify their line of supplements. As I’ve been in the supplement business myself, for about 15 years, and developed a lot of them, I can relate to the ‘business side’ of it. However, I

The Manufacturing Process of Fish Oil and Why to Avoid it Read the Full Article »

Food Do Not Increase Productivity Unless You Are Malnourished

Today we’ll visit “IronMagazine Online.” Yes, the website that once upon a time tried to steal the name of my pioneering IronMagazine Online, or ‘Ironmag’ that we called it for short. I developed the first real bodybuilding and health online-magazine Ironmag in 1996 and ran it together with Christian Thibaudeau and Eric Hesse until 2002. As I moved on to run the Swedish Edition of Ironman Magazine and work with other companies, this other

Food Do Not Increase Productivity Unless You Are Malnourished Read the Full Article »

All Green Juices Are Extremely Toxic

The medical shill-site Healthline is back with a desperate article, trying to justify the extremely toxic ‘green juices’ with a review of ‘celery juice’ while debunking the most ridiculous claims to give an illusion of being “scientific” and presenting a “weighted” opinion. It’s actually quite the hilarious reading if you understand human physiology and are not one of the gullible sheep. Healthline begins their article with the preamble that, “celery juice contains multiple nutrients

All Green Juices Are Extremely Toxic Read the Full Article »

More Appetite Suppressant Nonsense: Oatzempic Challenge

The growing stupidity of the human race never disappoints. Recently, the government- and Big Pharma shills at Healthline published an article reviewing the “Oatzempic Challenge,” something that allegedly went viral among retarded users of CIA’s “Chinese” spy platform known as TikTok, mostly used by gullible teenagers and young adults still wearing diapers. Here’s the summary by Healthline to get us going: In other words, we had a little Freemasonic CIA plant pretending to be

More Appetite Suppressant Nonsense: Oatzempic Challenge Read the Full Article »

Biohacking is Complete Bullshit

Inspired by a post at our community forums over at, about the hydrogen water gimmick, I decided to make a short article about this nonsense called ‘biohacking.’ And be prepared, I will not pull any punches today as a bloody nose might be what is needed to wake some people up from their indoctrination and reversed ‘logic.’ To make it easy, I will define ‘biohacking,’ also known as ‘DIY biology,’ as a futile

Biohacking is Complete Bullshit Read the Full Article »

What to do When Your Body go Through a Detoxification Cycle

Today we return to the Big-Pharma shill-website know as ‘Healthline,’ and a recent article they posted called, “12 Tips for a Speedy Flu Recovery.”As for this article, this subject is too important to hold anything back, so be prepared for some tough love. After the extremely obvious staged Covid-19 psy-op and ritual, more people should be questioning all the bullshit they’ve been spoon-fed throughout their lives, especially everything concerning the made-up “science” of Virology

What to do When Your Body go Through a Detoxification Cycle Read the Full Article »

Quick Start: Nutrition, Supplements, and Our Natural Species-Appropriate Diet

This is a collection of articles by me, Joachim Bartoll, to get you started on the ultimate truth about human nutrition; how we humans as obvious obligate hyper carnivores are meant to eat to thrive and maximize our life span. I worked in the Gym-, Fitness-, Health-, Sports-, Supplement-, and Medical/Pharmaceutical Industry as both a Coach/Trainer, Scientist, Educator, Writer/Author, and Editor in Chief for more than 28 years combined. I began coaching elite athletes

Quick Start: Nutrition, Supplements, and Our Natural Species-Appropriate Diet Read the Full Article »

What Food Cravings Actually Mean

Today we’re heading back to the most visited health website on the ‘Interplebs,’, as I discovered that they have an article on ‘food cravings’ and they made a complete mess of it.Simply going through the headlines of their nutrition articles has my disinformation and bullshit alarm going haywire. This website is criminally incorrect on most things related to “nutrition,” a pseudo-science that in reality should be really simple, which we will get to.

What Food Cravings Actually Mean Read the Full Article »

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