German New Medicine

GNM is simply an extension of the terrain theory with focus on the psyche. It explains how we develop emergency protocols when we are facing immediate danger, fear, psychological traumas and/or severe mental stress. Our body upregulates the function of cells, tissues and organs associated with the perceived danger. It’s a mental connection between our brain and the tissue or organ. Once we perceive that the danger has passed, we enter the healing phase and our body begin to break down this reconstruction of cells which causes different symptoms which we erroneous believe is disease. The thing is that once we have developed such an emergency protocol it can be triggered by any similar scenario and the cycle starts all over again – with the same area of the body being affected and with the same or very similar symptoms.

Video: The New Body Soul Biology (English voice over) Dr Stefan Lanka


Germ Theory is a LIE! The Terrain is Everything!

Why Understanding the Biological Terrain is so Important for Health

Understanding the terrain theory/biological terrain is not only about realizing that there are no contagious diseases, that bacteria is essential to life, and that sickness can only come from within – it’s most importantly about letting go of fear and worries.I realized this when the terrain theory led me to German New Medicine. Back in 2017, I still believed most of what Western “Modern” Medicine preaches, including the germ theory. This was when my […]

Why Understanding the Biological Terrain is so Important for Health Read the Full Article »

Breast Cancer – What it Really is and How to Heal

While high toxicity and/or radiation can likely cause tumors to develop as a defense mechanism, the most common cause of any cancer is your psyche (Psyche -> Brain -> Organ). That is, stress, fear, worrying, conflicts and similar triggers that causes a biological program to develop.These videos are excellent sources of information on breast cancer. Breast cancer and healing explained: Breast cancer update interview – Patty talks about her experience of developing and healing

Breast Cancer – What it Really is and How to Heal Read the Full Article »

April 10, 2021 update.

When you promise a new picture and it just doesn’t deliver – and Gut Health Yes, in my previous birthday post I promised a new picture, so I took a quick one yesterday morning before speeding off to the gym. It looked decent enough on the useless Xiaomi Pro Mi10, but when downloaded it was smoothed out with very little detail… or have I just become a fat bastard in a month? Yeah, that

April 10, 2021 update. Read the Full Article »

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