Corona Virus / Covid-19

Posts about the fake planned-pandemic, about the Clade X and Event 201 simulations tied to the fake outbreak, the fact that Viruses does not exist and that Vaccines are utterly useless and harmful.

Monkeypox and the Anti Pets Agenda of the New World Order

Since they faked another outbreak of a virus that does not exist, this time with the ludicrous ‘monkeypox;’ headlines in Europe have been flooded with the message that rodent pets, such as hamsters and guinea pigs, has to be culled to stop the imaginary “spread,” and that patients must keep away from pets to stop “spread” to ‘wildlife.’There are even stories claiming that these totally fake viruses is the result of our relationship with […]

Monkeypox and the Anti Pets Agenda of the New World Order Read the Full Article »

No, Monkeypox Does NOT Come from the Deadly Covid-19 Vaccine — But detox symptoms might

Once again, I see diet-woke truthers jumping on anything put out by controlled opposition that is ‘anti-vaccine’ without any kind of rational or logical thinking behind sharing such nonsense. While ALL vaccines are useless, dangerous, and nonsensical, there still is no such thing as a virus! Yes, vaccine makers such as AstraZeneca claims that they use another virus, of the Chimpanzee-adenovirus family, that has been modified to contain the gene for making a protein

No, Monkeypox Does NOT Come from the Deadly Covid-19 Vaccine — But detox symptoms might Read the Full Article »

Another Day, Another Hoax – Monkeypox, Monkey Mockery

There is actually one positive thing about this absurdity, and that is that I see a lot more people on social media actually laughing and pointing out how fabricated and fake this “Monkeypox” outbreak is. More and more people are waking up, more and more are questioning the narrative, and many have had enough of the lies and deceit. For the last couple of days, this monkey business has been lurking in the media

Another Day, Another Hoax – Monkeypox, Monkey Mockery Read the Full Article »

FDA Authorizes Pfizer Covid-19 Booster for Children Ages 5 to 11, 201-Days After Bill Gates Birthday

The unfathomable evil and deceit continues. There is, and have never been, such a thing as a virus or transmittable disease, much less something as idiotic as pandemics. Up to this date, 187 health and science institutions from all over the world have all failed to cite even one record of Covid-19, or any virus, being isolated and proven to exist. The existence of viruses is simply a fabricated and very profitable lie. Unfortunately,

FDA Authorizes Pfizer Covid-19 Booster for Children Ages 5 to 11, 201-Days After Bill Gates Birthday Read the Full Article »

Puppet State North Korea Announces First Deaths Due to Non-Existing Covid

As they’re slowly starting up the fake pandemics again, the CIA puppet state of North Korea plays along with the theatre and recently announced an “explosive” Covid-19 outbreak. North Korea reported 18,000 new cases and six deaths this Thursday. 18 is 6+6+6. And 6 deaths? Damn, they sure love their sixes! The statement on May 12 comes 63 days after the anniversary of the announcement of the fake coronavirus pandemic on March 11, 2020.

Puppet State North Korea Announces First Deaths Due to Non-Existing Covid Read the Full Article »

Bill Gates Tests Positive for Imaginary ConAIDS-1984

So, the vaccine-puppet and ‘pandemic expert,’ who recently wrote the book, ‘How to Prevent the Next Pandemic,’ still got a virus that does not exist. Do you see the irony and mocking in this story if their lies actually would be true, that viruses really would exist? A pandemic is defined by people getting a disease. To stop such a silly scenario, you need to prevent people from getting that imaginary disease. Still, the

Bill Gates Tests Positive for Imaginary ConAIDS-1984 Read the Full Article »

The CDC is Investigating a Covid-19 Outbreak on Board a Carnival Cruise Ship

Remember how the fake pandemic started? Yes, with reports of outbreaks on a few cruise ships, one of the most noteworthy being the Diamond Princess cruise ship who allegedly experienced an outbreak on February 3, 2020. Now, after a little more than two years of almost no similar reports, a cruise ship supposedly had a new little outbreak on May 3, 2022. Both outbreaks reported on the 3rd of the month, like 3 and

The CDC is Investigating a Covid-19 Outbreak on Board a Carnival Cruise Ship Read the Full Article »

The Conditioning of Lies Continues – Children With “Long Covid”

They have been targeting children for a long time now. And as anyone with a working brain can figure out; if you have nutrition deficiencies, or if you’re mostly locked indoors not getting sun exposure and are being isolated from friends and other people, or if you’re wearing a diaper on your face restricting oxygen flow and forcing you to breath in carbon dioxide, you will get tired, lethargic, and you’ll experience any common

The Conditioning of Lies Continues – Children With “Long Covid” Read the Full Article »

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