Animal-Based Nutrition / Carnivore

Posts about our species-appropriate diet – the only way to get all the nutrition we need in bioavailable form. Also exposing the unhealthy, deficient and potentially deadly Vegan and Vegetarian psy-op (Agenda 2030) sponsored by the Elites/Cabals.

Mental Illness is Usually From Poor Nutrition (Vegan/Plant-Based)

Do you experience anxiety, depression, nervousness, brain fog, mood swings, or social phobias on a regular basis without any real trauma or explanation behind it? Do you easily get pulled into different kinds of convictions? Do you rather follow the herd than ask questions, speak up, and think for yourself? If you do, your diet and/or food choices may most probably be the culprit. Mental illness disorders like those listed above and many others […]

Mental Illness is Usually From Poor Nutrition (Vegan/Plant-Based) Read the Full Article »

Our natural species appropriate diet. One “diet” to rule them all?

When discussing nutrition and various diets, I often get the comment, “there is no diet that fits everyone”, and, “each individual needs to find what works for them”.If that’s your stance on nutrition, then answer the following questions, and please take your time. Our genes and gene expressions, our organ systems, our digestive system, our stomach acid pH (just as low as common scavengers), our metabolic and methylation pathways and how little we as

Our natural species appropriate diet. One “diet” to rule them all? Read the Full Article »

Fiber is NOT needed

Fiber is NOT needed in the human diet

A common standpoint among conventional health practitioners is that fiber is good for you. Not only good but necessary. This is of course complete nonsense. There is no evidence in any literature that humans need fiber or that it is necessary for good health. In fact, fiber has been linked to constipation, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and colon cancer. Also, if fiber clogs you up and delay digestion, you can

Fiber is NOT needed in the human diet Read the Full Article »

Carbohydrates are NOT our body’s preferred fuel

Anyone who at least has glanced at nutritional science should know that carbohydrates are non-essential. Carbohydrates are nothing more than an alternative emergency energy source. As humans, we are designed to function at peak efficiency without them. We are obligate hyper carnivores and we thrive on animal fats. Unfortunately, the misconception that carbohydrates are our ‘preferred’ fuel has been so ingrained in most of us, that we believe it to be a universal truth

Carbohydrates are NOT our body’s preferred fuel Read the Full Article »

The Glycemic Index is absolute rubbish

I was introduced to the Glycemic Index (GI) back in late 1996 as it began to gain popularity in the bodybuilding and fitness community. I even wrote an overview of the current research and possible applications for our Ironmag Online magazine. At that time, we thought we had found the holy grail of carbohydrate and insulin management. How wrong we were. Not only is the glycemic index pseudo-science, carbohydrates in any form are bad

The Glycemic Index is absolute rubbish Read the Full Article »

Animal Based Cooking and Eating Raw and Fermented Meat and Organ Meats

Written by Joachim Bartoll, January 1, 2019From My Client’s Handbook, First Edition Cooking and storage of food Plastics are the number one source of chemicals and toxins in the kitchen. No matter if it’s dishware, storage containers, drawer liners, or even disposable products like Styrofoam and plastic bags – get rid of it. Plastic, Styrofoam, and resin coatings are all made from petroleum products. These can leach into your food and drinks and contaminate

Animal Based Cooking and Eating Raw and Fermented Meat and Organ Meats Read the Full Article »

Skin conditions and bad teeth are usually from a toxic- and lacking diet

Do you suffer from skin conditions such as eczema, dry/flaky skin, premature aging (loss of elasticity and wrinkles), pimples, acne, cysts, or skin spots? All of these are usually from a toxic overload, high inflammation foods, and/or nutrition deficiencies. Oxalates, one of many antinutrients found in almost all plant-based foods, are notorious for causing pimples, acne, eczema and dandruff when our body does its best to detoxify from it. Premature aging, as seen in

Skin conditions and bad teeth are usually from a toxic- and lacking diet Read the Full Article »

Do you get hungry; do you get cravings?

Unless you have a severe metabolic disorder, hunger or cravings are not due to lack of ‘calories’ (energy) or a low meal frequency (and thus low blood sugar, lol). Hunger, thoughts about food, and cravings are simply a sign that you have a nutrient deficiency. To put it bluntly, your diet and/or food choices suck. If you consume nutrition-dense foods with a high bioavailability, such as meat, egg yolks, fish roe and organ meats;

Do you get hungry; do you get cravings? Read the Full Article »

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