Joachim Bartoll

Bechamp or Pasteur? : A lost chapter in the history of biology

This summary of real science and biology was written in the early 1900’s and published 1932, before heavy censorship and the Rockefeller controlled ‘Modern Medicine’ took over everything with their lies and fraudulent theories.This book teaches you real history within the field of biology and disease. It is available through and is displayed below. I recommend that you go to and make an user account, and then you can bookmark thousands of […]

Bechamp or Pasteur? : A lost chapter in the history of biology Read the Full Article »

June 22, 2018. Fasting update.

Dry fasting measurements update! Since fasting boosts your metabolism and optimizes your hormones, I only managed to gain 210 grams of fat during my last 7-day overeating phase (I did eat a lot!) Therefore, because my body fat was so low, I only did a 72-hour dry fast this time (I would have loved a 72 with 6-hours rehydration and then another 48 hours or more). I’m now 0.3 kg (0.66 lbs) heavier than

June 22, 2018. Fasting update. Read the Full Article »

June 18, 2018. Fasting experiment update!

I did a regular electrolyte fast on Sunday, June 3, and continued with a 48 hour hard dry fast (no contact with water), rehydrated for 4 hours, and then continued my dry fast for another 48 hours for a total of 4 days. After this I rehydrated for two days on my regular routine with a 2-hour eating window each day (no carbs, only strict carnivore/animal-based nutrition) and did a new weigh-in with caliper

June 18, 2018. Fasting experiment update! Read the Full Article »

June 12, 2018. Dry Fasting Update – recovering from tumors and organ failure

If you read my post on June 6, you know that I did a regular electrolyte fast on Sunday June 3. Then I did a 48 hour hard dry fast (no contact with water), rehydrated for 4 hours, and then continued my dry fast for another 48 hours for a total of 4 days. After this I rehydrated for two days on my regular routine with a 2-hour eating window each day. No carbs,

June 12, 2018. Dry Fasting Update – recovering from tumors and organ failure Read the Full Article »

Some of the BIGGEST LIES in the fitness and health industry

What are some of the BIGGEST LIES in the fitness and health industry? I’ll start with a couple to get the ball rollin’, and please feel free to add whatever you see fit! Any form of ‘cardio’ or ‘exercise’ marketed or aimed to burn fat. The miniscule effect is not worth the time spent. Enjoy your family and friends instead! You burn body fat by fasting and following a sensible diet. Exercise should be

Some of the BIGGEST LIES in the fitness and health industry Read the Full Article »

Safety of long Anabolic Steroid use

Safety of long Anabolic Steroid use And the life after lengthy use of steroids All Four parts in one article Part 1: Introduction and the history of testosterone and Anabolic SteroidsBy Joachim Bartoll, January and February, 2017. Classic Muscle Magazine #29 As a coach and student within the fields of sports, human physiology, and performance, I first came across “underground” articles about anabolic steroids in early 1990. At that time, and in the years

Safety of long Anabolic Steroid use Read the Full Article »

Starting or Expanding Your Family – How nutrition and toxins influence your child

Starting or Expanding Your Family How nutrition and toxins influence your child Written by Joachim Bartoll, January 2017Classic Muscle Newsletter, February 2017 (issue #29) Since the introduction of processed food, junk food, and what we can consider the “modern diet”, including the dangerous push for plant-based foods (especially veganism); most mothers cannot nourish themselves optimally before conception, and much less during a pregnancy. The art of consuming all nutritious parts of the animal (nose-to-tail),

Starting or Expanding Your Family – How nutrition and toxins influence your child Read the Full Article »

The Epidemic of Nearsightedness, Part 2

Carbohydrates and Insulin By Joachim Bartoll, December 2016, for Classic Muscle Newsletter #28, January 2017 In Issue 24 of CMN, I wrote about the new epidemic of nearsightedness (myopia). We dismissed the belief that myopia is hereditary and looked at the most common reasons for distorted vision – the lack of natural sunshine and our recently developed habit of looking at screens and other stuff right in front of us. Our eyes need to

The Epidemic of Nearsightedness, Part 2 Read the Full Article »

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