Trying to Remedy Deficiencies — Magnesium L-Threonate Improving Sleep Quality?

Once again we return to Examine.com for another perfect example of totally useless and meaningless trial study. This time they summarized a controlled trial with magnesium L-threonate and its impact on improved sleep quality, daytime functioning, and mood in adults with self-reported sleep problems. What was studied? “The effectiveness of supplementation with magnesium L-threonate (MgT) for improving self-reported sleep problems. The primary outcome was sleep quality, assessed using the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), Leeds […]

Trying to Remedy Deficiencies — Magnesium L-Threonate Improving Sleep Quality? Read the Full Article »

Dietary Toxic Load, Exaggerated Hygiene Practices And Acne

Today we return to Examine.com and a short summary of yet another somewhat flawed and backwards-thinking study looking at “dietary glycemic load” and the occurrence/severity of acne. Quick Summary “In this 12-week randomized controlled trial in 50 girls and women in Pakistan with acne, reducing the dietary glycemic load seemed to improve acne, but the study had methodological limitations.” Before we continue, let’s establish some definitions. The “dietary glycemic load” (GL) is a measure

Dietary Toxic Load, Exaggerated Hygiene Practices And Acne Read the Full Article »

Study on Active Young Women: Vegan Bodily Destruction

Today we return once again to Examine.com and a poor summary of a recent study looking at the devastating body composition changes in young active women from adopting the destructive and deadly anti-human diet, a.k.a. the retarded “vegan diet,” for only 8 short weeks. Key study details First and foremost, you cannot adopt non-species appropriate diets in a healthy way, as any kind of plant-based edible is both toxic and useless as human nutrition.

Study on Active Young Women: Vegan Bodily Destruction Read the Full Article »

Why Cold (Detox) Symptoms Feel More Intense at Night

Today we return to the disinformation agents at Verywell Health and an article called “Why Cold Symptoms Feel More Intense at Night, Explained by Experts.” I can’t help but chuckle whenever these charlatans add the silly phrase “explained by experts.” None of these people are “experts.” They are at best useful indoctrinated fools repeating dogmatic propaganda and nonsense — and at times they’re government shills simply sticking to the script of the current agendas.

Why Cold (Detox) Symptoms Feel More Intense at Night Read the Full Article »

What Is More Important Than Protein? Animal Fats!

Once again we return to T-Nation and their COO Chris Shugart and his misaligned obsession for protein. This time he titles himself a rebel, as in fighting the obviously corrupt and evil establishment. Well, we’ll see about that. Bring it on then, Chris. “The average person is pretty below average these days. About 74% of US adults are overweight or obese. It’s perfectly normal to be over-fat and under-muscled. Given that, your goal is

What Is More Important Than Protein? Animal Fats! Read the Full Article »

What Fasting Method Is Most Effective For Fat Loss?

Today we return to Examine.com and their review of a meta-analysis looking at various combinations of “intermittent” fasting regimens and their effectiveness when the goal is to lose body fat. As you probably know, I’ve used fasting as my number one fat loss tool among my clients, including top-level bodybuilders since 2008. Amongst overweight clients I’ve used either two 36-hour fasts a week (5:2) or an every other day fasting (alternate-day) approach. For bodybuilders

What Fasting Method Is Most Effective For Fat Loss? Read the Full Article »

Red Meat Is The Ultimate Fat Fighting Food

Today we return to the supplement shills at T-Nation and their clueless COO Chris Shugart, the guy who is obsessed with chemically man-made protein, as in the chemical shitstorms of their own poor quality protein powders.  This time he found another old “protein centric” study to misinterpret and use to sell their laughable products. Let’s see what he has this time and how to really use the information, if applicable. “Talk to the average

Red Meat Is The Ultimate Fat Fighting Food Read the Full Article »

Silly Fiction For Retards: Bird Flu, The Flu, COVID, And RSV. New Staged Pandemic On The Horizon?

This pile of complete and utter shit has been brewing for a long, long time now. As the shills at Verywell Health published their propaganda article on the non-existing Flu, COVID, and RSV allegedly rising in the United States, the lamestream and fake media announced the first fake “death” of the non-existing “bird flu.” Yes, the fear mongering and the propaganda machine is in full swing once again, trying to brainwash the weak minded

Silly Fiction For Retards: Bird Flu, The Flu, COVID, And RSV. New Staged Pandemic On The Horizon? Read the Full Article »

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