Stupid and Unhealthy Scams: The Fasting-Mimicking Diet

This might be one of the stupidest and most mislabeled “diet” fads to re-surface in a really long time. And when a pharmaceutical shill-website such as the evil ‘Medical News Today’ writes about it in a positive manner, you know that it’s satanical inversed bullshit. Before we move on, let’s define what a “fasting-mimicking diet” really is. According to the authors and the disinformation agent they interviewed, the one big shill Dr. Valter D. […]

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No, Never Eat at Night

As the year comes to an end, we return to T-Nation and a short article by diet- and protein-obsessed Chris Shugart. This time it’s about late-night eating, and although he understands that it’s a bad thing, he still misses the big picture and presents some very bad advice. He begins his article with quite a cliché, citing: “An old expression goes like this: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner

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The Trump Colorado Theatre Continues

If you remember the December 19th ritual of Colorado disqualifying Freemason Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot on the day leaving a Skull and Bones Freemasonic 322 days until the U.S. election on November 5, 2024, then this second act should come as no surprise. On this Wednesday, the Colorado GOP allegedly filed an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court after the state Supreme Court’s decision to remove Trump from the primary ballot. Following

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Jacques Delors, Destroyer of Europe, Dead at 98

Another ‘elitist’ serpent in Jacques Delors went to hell on December 27, 2023, 4 weeks on the day after the death of ‘elitist’ Henry Kissinger (November 29, 2023.) Delors, a Socialist, had a high-profile political career in France, where he served as finance minister under President François Mitterrand in the early 1980s, before becoming president of the European Commission in 1985. The European Commission was established in 1958, only a year after the Treaty

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Fueling Disinformation: 2023 in Medicine

The Disinformation and Big Pharma shill website ‘Medical News Today’ (MNT) recently posted an article looking at 2023 in medicine and three topics that they considered dominated the headlines: artificial sweeteners, colon cancer, and male birth control. And no, do not worry, they do not (yet) claim that men can get pregnant, as in the ‘woke mental illness’ that swept through some of the walking zombies/NPCs, instead it’s about alternatives to condoms and vasectomies.

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Colorado Springs Mall Shooting on Christmas Eve by the Numbers

By request, since no one covered this, let’s look at the staged and fake shooting that took place in Colorado Springs on Christmas Eve. According to the official story, one person was killed and three others were injured during a Christmas Eve shooting at Citadel Mall in Colorado. The Police claim that the incident started when two groups got into a fight that turned violent. Police spokesperson Ira Cronin said the fight “appeared to

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 47

The previous part is here: https://bartoll.se/2023/12/history-matrix-part46/All parts of this series can be found here: https://bartoll.se/world-playbook-quickstart/ In 615 AD, the Slavs continued to settle in the Balkans, in what is now Bulgaria, Serbia, North Macedonia and parts of Greece. Meanwhile, the western territories of present-day Yugoslavia (Bosnia, Croatia and Dalmatia) suffered raids from the Avars, who also began settling in this region. In Britannia, the Anglo-Saxons, under King Æthelfrith of Northumbria, reached the Irish Sea

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Exercise, Accelerated Ageing, and Life Expectancy

The very dangerous disinformation website ‘Medical News Today,’ who usually shill for Big Pharma and the Food Industry actually published a half-decent article a few days ago, looking at a Finnish study on the associations of long-term physical activity in adulthood with later biological ageing and all-cause mortality. For this study, the research team used the data of more than 11,000 sets of adult twins from the Finnish Twin Cohort. The amount of physical

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