It’s been about 6 weeks since I last mentioned our uncensored community I’ve still been occupied with an ongoing family emergency which has been taking its toll on my recovery and my battle with mental fatigue (the lingering effects from the tumor in 2018.) Still, I put out 41 articles in October and we’re currently at 29 for November. And as always, I contribute daily at
I will also be back in some capacity at Facebook within two days, as my latest 30-day ban comes to an ‘temporarily’ end.
I’ve also added a new ‘Quick-Start’ menu that will be expanded with recommended articles to quickly get up to speed in different subjects. The first guide covers the current world structure, the ongoing psy-ops and so on.
If you enjoy my work, please consider donating, or even better, join our community Ungovernable, and be a part of the awakening — the only place on the internet where we expose both sides of the ongoing psy-ops, and where I take part in discussions and answer questions every single day. The information we have, and are adding to daily, is invaluable and unmatched on the internet — covering every aspect of life. Ungovernable is also the platform that pay the hosting bills and keep this website totally free and void of external advertisements.
And speaking of our uncensored online community, below are a few gleanings from the past week and the most popular posts and topics.
- Trump’s Scripted Role to Create a One World Government.
- Disease X – WHO to identify non-existing pathogens that could cause future staged and faked outbreaks and pandemics.
- More on Musk Reinstatement of Trump on Twitter (The Skull and Bones Ritual.)
- More confirmation of the New World Order: Macron at the APEC summit, ‘We need a single global order.’
- More on fasting and our member’s own experiences.
- They want you to believe that coffee lowers risk of death when the opposite is correct. Coffee is pure poison.
- Controlled Opposition Dr. Carrie Madej: Big Updates – What’s Coming Next.
- More on the Skull and Bones Freemasonry Shenanigans that took place on the 322-day of the Year.
- They Are Currently Testing A Super Creepy “Digital Dollar” That They Plan To Introduce.
- Nutrition and UVB-lamps for the winter months.
- The Puppet and Actor Trump’s Revenge Tour – It’s Like An Incredible Movie!
- More on the COP27 conference and the Climate Change hoax.
- Did the World population really reach 8 billion on 15 November 2022?
- More on Kanye West Claiming that his Mother Was Sacrificed.
- NSW fast tracks mRNA FMD and Lumpy Skin Disease vaccines (Australia.)
- Worst and embarrassing CGI fakery when India goes to non-existing space.
- More on Weather Warfare and Hurricane Nicole that came 43-Days after Ian – Same as Charley and Jeanne in 2004.
- The vaccines are damaging fertility – My Cycle Story.
- Hoax alert: That mRNA “vaccines” cause cells to produce spike proteins.
- Trudeau becoming the first world leader to appear on the Drag Race franchise
And, much, much more! Ungovernable is the best online community for intelligent, woke, and freethinking people to network, share and discuss any topic without censorship and bleating sheep posting what the tell-a-lie-vision told them. Join us today!