Bob Saget dead at 65 in big ritual tied to the 49ers and his vaccine propaganda tweet

On August 9, 2021, Bob Saget wrote a tweet encouraging his followers to take the vaccine, or “visine” to “save eyes” as he put it, in a try to be the forever comedian. Five months later to the day, on January 9, he is reported dead by his family and the media. Dead or retired, this is obviously another freemasonic ritual calculated and brought to you by the Jesuit Order and to gaslight anti-vaxxers. […]

Bob Saget dead at 65 in big ritual tied to the 49ers and his vaccine propaganda tweet Read the Full Article »

The James Webb “Space” Telescope Fakery Continues

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) was supposedly launched on December 25 to replace the alleged Hubble Telescope – the telescope named after Edwin Hubble who falsely was attributed the silly “expanding universe” theory, which actually was made-up by Jesuit priest, Georges Lemaître. Georges also invented the ridiculous idea of the Big Bang, as in ‘bb,’ or 66 – the Number of the Beast. As you know, everything in the pseudoscience of astrology is

The James Webb “Space” Telescope Fakery Continues Read the Full Article »

NoVAK’s had ‘no VAXX’ and is allegedly fighting ‘Deportation’

Yes, there are actually people, even diet-woke “truthers,” who believe in this silly story featuring the puppet Novak Djokovic – making him out to be some anti-vaccine hero. Again, you’re being played. All his previous tennis games have been rigged and many decoders predicted the exact results. All “stars” and “celebrities” are controlled puppets. If you do not know this, it’s back to truther school for you! Now, his name ‘Novak’ is of course

NoVAK’s had ‘no VAXX’ and is allegedly fighting ‘Deportation’ Read the Full Article »

If you got “sick” during the holidays, here’s what you REALLY need to know

A lot of people get “sick” during the winter, and especially the holidays. People have always experienced such symptoms at these times of year since modern society was formed and we strived away from living with nature and started poisoning ourself with unnatural food, pollution, chemicals and feeding ourself with plant-based garbage and Frankenstein foods void of nutrition. Not to mention the stress, the fear, and feelings of hopelessness in today’s world – especially

If you got “sick” during the holidays, here’s what you REALLY need to know Read the Full Article »

Kim Mi-soo, actress in Netflix’s Hellbound dies on the 666th day of the fake Pandemic in Revelation 13 Ritual

There surely has been a lot of death and killing rituals lately, and I foresee that this will increase during the year, as we most likely will se the passing of Queen Elizabeth (March or September) and many other celebrities. As for Kim Mi-soo, she starred in the satanic Korean Netflix show ‘Hellbound.’ A show about demons appearing to claim souls for hell after the victim has received a warning and a time when

Kim Mi-soo, actress in Netflix’s Hellbound dies on the 666th day of the fake Pandemic in Revelation 13 Ritual Read the Full Article »

CDC Recommends Booster Shot for Children on the 666th Day of the Fake Pandemic

On January 5, 2022, the 666th day since the WHO’s declaration of the fake and staged pandemic, the CDC has recommended booster shots for children ages 12-15. This goes hand-in-hand with my article from yesterday with the alleged “scientist” claiming that we cannot vaccinate everyone several times a year, and instead has to focus on the children. You know, making sure that they get the real deal and not only salt water so they

CDC Recommends Booster Shot for Children on the 666th Day of the Fake Pandemic Read the Full Article »

Neom Coin Listed 666-days after Declaration of the Fake Pandemic, with 666 Technology

The new “Mark of the Beast” digital currency ‘Neom Coin’ will hit the markets on January 6, 2022 – exactly 666 days after the declaration of the staged and fake Coronavirus pandemic on March 11, 2020. And this Neom Coin is of course tied to the pandemic and the maiming and deadly vaccines in the creepiest of ways.The technology used is called the “graphene blockchain,” yes, I kid you not! Graphene! As what is

Neom Coin Listed 666-days after Declaration of the Fake Pandemic, with 666 Technology Read the Full Article »

We can’t vaccinate the planet every six months,’ No shit Sherlock!

I covered this before. Most vaccination shots are salt water. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to manufacture as many real vaccine vials as they claim is being distributed.In this article, they mention that, “we can’t vaccinate the planet every four to six months. It’s not sustainable or affordable.” One vial of “vaccine” contains 5 to 6 doses. Let’s say that 5 billion of the world’s nearly 8 billion people can be vaccinated. That is 10 to 15

We can’t vaccinate the planet every six months,’ No shit Sherlock! Read the Full Article »

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