Workout Nutrition

Food For Athletes And Workouts

Today we revisit the shill Dr. Axe and his staff’s latest attempt to write an article about ‘workout nutrition’ and food for athletes. On June 23, I reviewed a similar article from Healthline, which was, well, really bad. Let’s see how this ‘Rachael Link’ does, and I’ll add my thoughts from working at the absolute elite-level in this field for more than 20 years. “It’s no secret that hitting the gym is important when […]

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Workout Nutrition Recommendations Still Outdated in 2024

Today, for a laugh, we return to the Big Pharma and Government shill-site known as Healthline, one of the worst places for pure disinformation and propaganda on anything health- and nutrition related. A few days ago they posted an article on workout nutrition by Arlene Semeco, MS, RD and Celia Shatzman, which was “medically reviewed” by Jared Meacham, Ph.D., RD, CSCS. That simply means that a bunch of trained and indoctrinated monkeys wrote a

Workout Nutrition Recommendations Still Outdated in 2024 Read the Full Article »

Protein Synthesis: How to Sell More Useless Supplements

Today we return to a short article at T-Nation based on a study from 2017 on whole eggs vs. egg whites as a post-workout meal and its effect on ‘muscle protein synthesis.’ Once upon a time, I have to admit that I was very much into the whole para-workout nutrition thing, as I experimented a lot among both my clients who were willing to try new ideas, and other lifters that I recruited through

Protein Synthesis: How to Sell More Useless Supplements Read the Full Article »

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