
Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan

After this Saturday’s article on the toxicity of nuts (seeds) my social media was flooded by comments and questions. While the majority of comments were positive, as my friends and followers are awake and of higher intelligence than the average sleeping sheeple, some comments were from people who never really commented before — most likely people who never looked at biology, physiology or biochemistry and simply believe in mainstream backwards “nutrition science” and “medical […]

Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan Read the Full Article »

The World’s Easiest Fat Loss Strategy Is The Carnivore Diet With Scheduled Fasting

A few days ago, the fitness- and bodybuilding wannabe writer Chris Shugart of T-Nation posted an article on what he deemed the “world’s easiest diet strategy.” Well, that’s quite a statement from someone I’ve had to correct hundreds of times while doing my article reviews. Let’s see what he has come up with, and I’ll add my thoughts as an actual coach with 25+ years of real-world experience with hundreds of competing athletes at

The World’s Easiest Fat Loss Strategy Is The Carnivore Diet With Scheduled Fasting Read the Full Article »

What You Need To Know About Vitamin K

The pharmaceutical shills at Healthline are at it again, publishing their usual nonsensical backwards-thinking rubbish. This time they praise the importance of vitamin K and recommend extremely toxic food sources without mentioning anything about bioavailability and the different chemical forms, as in non-active inorganic (plants) and the active organic forms (animals,) nor how these forms present themselves within the body, and how our body handles them. They are either outright lying to their audience,

What You Need To Know About Vitamin K Read the Full Article »

The Roles of Vitamin C and D in Bone Health

Today we visit, a website dedicated to review and “analyze” the latest “scientific research,” with an extra focus on nutrition and supplementation (which is extremely toxic and dangerous.) While they lack the knowledge and experience to actually do what they claim, it’s still a good source to keep track of all the studies and research papers being published within these pseudo-scientific fields — and simply from Examine’s summary, you can tell if it’s

The Roles of Vitamin C and D in Bone Health Read the Full Article »

Colostrum Supplements And Pasteurization — Good, Bad, A Waste Of Money?

Today we return to the supplement-driven Ironmagazine and their writer Matt Weik, who might have the worst track-record in history of fitness writers. However, colostrum, as in bovine colostrum from cows, is at least an animal-based product, which means that it has a lot of bioavailable nutrients, so it must be pretty good, right? Well, let’s see what Matt Weik has to say, and I’ll step in as usual with my 30+ years of

Colostrum Supplements And Pasteurization — Good, Bad, A Waste Of Money? Read the Full Article »

Healing And Detoxing: Different Foods Suppress Migraine By Different Mechanics

Today we return to the pharmaceutical and government shills at Healthline for a perfect example of how little researchers understand human physiology and biology — especially when it comes to symptoms and the healing processes and what actually happens when you consume something that relieves you of that symptom. Yes, I’ve covered this in articles such as “More on Disease and Healing – And Why Most Medicines and “Natural” Remedies are Worthless,” “Reminder! Herbs,

Healing And Detoxing: Different Foods Suppress Migraine By Different Mechanics Read the Full Article »

The Extreme Dangers and Damage of a Fruitarian Diet (Even Short-Term)

Today we return to the supplement-driven Iron Magazine, a website that supposedly is aimed at bodybuilding and fitness, but with retarded crap such as the article we’re about to look at, it’s hard to tell what the heck they are or represent. Once again, it’s the awful and shamefully ignorant writer Matt Weik who this time tackles the fruitarian diet, possibly the worst and most dangerous diet out there, even more so than veganism.

The Extreme Dangers and Damage of a Fruitarian Diet (Even Short-Term) Read the Full Article »

Multivitamins: All Synthetic Vitamins Are Poison

Today we return to Iron Magazine and their clueless writer Matt Weik who recently wrote an article on multivitamins based on a new study. The cohort study used data from 3 prospective cohort studies in the US, each with baseline multivitamin (MV) use assessed from 1993 to 2001, and follow-up MV use assessed from 1998 to 2004, extended duration of follow-up up to 27 years, to assess the association of MV use with mortality

Multivitamins: All Synthetic Vitamins Are Poison Read the Full Article »

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