
Can Bitter Melon Inhibit Your Body’s Healing Processes? (Cholesterol and Triglycerides Explained)

Let’s look at yet another backwards-thinking study as summarized by While their incredible ignorance may be laugh-inducing, it’s actually quite serious as studies like these feed the extreme misinformation that everything today is built upon, as in all the lies and deceit pushed by the elite’s agendas, and all these studies will ultimately hurt a lot of people. What was studied? “The effect of supplementation with bitter melon on total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, […]

Can Bitter Melon Inhibit Your Body’s Healing Processes? (Cholesterol and Triglycerides Explained) Read the Full Article »

Blueberries’ Toxicity Causes Acute Poisoning

Once again we return to for another study summary to illustrate the extremely sad state of “modern research,” as in the backwards-thinking and deceitful way they present their findings. Also, this will be rather short as I’m very pressed on time this morning/weekend. What was studied? “The effect of blueberry intake on vascular function.” If you know anything about the chemical incompatibility between plants and humans (we are obligate hyper carnivores) and the

Blueberries’ Toxicity Causes Acute Poisoning Read the Full Article »

Zinc Deficiency Is Impossible On A Natural Animal-Based Diet

Today we return to T-Nation, the fitness wannabe supplement pushers that never have studied biochemistry, nor looked into simple biology or physiology. In their recent article on “zinc deficiency,” they once again fail to differentiate between organic and bioavailable minerals and inorganic non-bioavailable minerals. Let’s see what else they made a mess of. “Relying on the RDI (Recommended Dietary Intake) system is tricky business. The RDI provides guidelines for nutrient intake. The problem? The

Zinc Deficiency Is Impossible On A Natural Animal-Based Diet Read the Full Article »

Reducing Carbohydrates Will Decrease Liver Fat

Today we return to and one of their reviews on a recent study on “changes in macronutrients and changes in liver fat.”If you know a little biochemistry, this should be a no-brainer. So, let’s see what was discovered and what skewed conclusions they drew from it. What was studied? “Associations between changes in macronutrient intake and changes in liver fat.” Well, we know for sure of one macronutrient that is both toxic and

Reducing Carbohydrates Will Decrease Liver Fat Read the Full Article »

Mud Water Is A Highly Toxic Mushroom Soup — An Introduction To Mushrooms

Oh yes, clueless Matt Weik of Ironmagazine returns with yet another zero out of ten article, this time doing an advertisement for “Mud Water,” as in a toxic mix of mushrooms, supposedly as an alternative to coffee. Well, while the creators with the combined IQ of a 3-year-old child might find it funny, the silly name is actually appropriate. Mud as in as in sludge, as in toxic muck, as in something you would

Mud Water Is A Highly Toxic Mushroom Soup — An Introduction To Mushrooms Read the Full Article »

The Sattvic Diet — A Deadly Modern Vegan Construct With No Historical Basis

Today we return to the wannabe-fitness online publication Iron Magazine and their gullible and totally clueless writer Matt Weik as he continues his journey of total ignorance in the fantasy land of retarded diets. And as always, I’ll try my best to be nice although I’m wading through a muddy lake of shit. Or at least, somewhat nice. Nah, I will tell it like it is, as I always do. No silly filters. So,

The Sattvic Diet — A Deadly Modern Vegan Construct With No Historical Basis Read the Full Article »

Don’t Waste Your Money: R-lipoic Acid (ALA/RLA) Supplements

Today we return to Anabolic Minds and a recent article they published on the subject of R-lipoic acid (RLA) and weight management, as in fat loss. We know that naturally occurring and bioavailable RLA and its bioactive form dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA) have important antioxidant properties, assist in detoxification and cellular repair, and also plays a role in energy production, as in the conversion of glucose into energy through aerobic metabolism. So, let’s see what

Don’t Waste Your Money: R-lipoic Acid (ALA/RLA) Supplements Read the Full Article »

Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan

After this Saturday’s article on the toxicity of nuts (seeds) my social media was flooded by comments and questions. While the majority of comments were positive, as my friends and followers are awake and of higher intelligence than the average sleeping sheeple, some comments were from people who never really commented before — most likely people who never looked at biology, physiology or biochemistry and simply believe in mainstream backwards “nutrition science” and “medical

Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan Read the Full Article »

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