tissue healing

Walking Pneumonia Scare and A Look at Bacteria and Toxins

The shills at Medscape, via the extremely evil propaganda website WebMD, recently published an article about an alleged rise in “walking pneumonia” among children. Let’s see what they had to say. “Young children are increasingly being infected with bacteria that can lead to the illness known as walking pneumonia. A hallmark symptom is a cough that starts out dry but eventually produces moderate amounts of thick, non-bloody mucus. The cough can last for weeks.” […]

Walking Pneumonia Scare and A Look at Bacteria and Toxins Read the Full Article »

Autoimmune Diseases And The Immune System Does Not Exist

Recently, the evil scum and shills at Medical News Today published an article on “early-life vitamin D deficiency and autoimmune conditions.” Of course, one of the biggest lies within the frauds of germ theory, virology, and medical science is that of “autoimmune disease.” It should be obvious to anyone with the most basic understanding of biology and the survival and reproduction mechanisms of every single organism — yet the conditioning and the backwards-thinking is

Autoimmune Diseases And The Immune System Does Not Exist Read the Full Article »

Herbs Will Reduce/Stop The Healing Process — And More About Inflammation

Healthline continues their crusade against optimal health and humanity with their latest article about toxic and damaging herbs that a lot of people have been deceived into using in “alternative” or “natural” medicine and in their own concoctions to alleviate symptoms, the manifestation of healing and detoxing processes. I’ve already covered these subjects in-depth in my articles, “More on Disease and Healing – And Why Most Medicines and Natural Remedies are Worthless,” “All Herbal

Herbs Will Reduce/Stop The Healing Process — And More About Inflammation Read the Full Article »

Dangerous and Damaging EBGLYSS For Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)? Fix Your Diet Instead!

Yesterday, September 23, 2024, Medical News Today ran an ‘advertisement’ piece for the totally unnecessary and damaging new drug EBGLYSS from the evil scumbags at Eli Lilly, one of many pharmaceutical companies who are part of the agenda to keep people as dumbed-down, weak, docile, controllable, and dependent on the government as possible. Their article is based on the news that The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Eli Lilly’s EBGLYSS as

Dangerous and Damaging EBGLYSS For Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)? Fix Your Diet Instead! Read the Full Article »

Healing And Detoxing: Different Foods Suppress Migraine By Different Mechanics

Today we return to the pharmaceutical and government shills at Healthline for a perfect example of how little researchers understand human physiology and biology — especially when it comes to symptoms and the healing processes and what actually happens when you consume something that relieves you of that symptom. Yes, I’ve covered this in articles such as “More on Disease and Healing – And Why Most Medicines and “Natural” Remedies are Worthless,” “Reminder! Herbs,

Healing And Detoxing: Different Foods Suppress Migraine By Different Mechanics Read the Full Article »

Nightly Light Pollution Will Hurt Your Health In Many Ways

Today we return to Medical News Today, the disinformation and shill-website for the backwards-thinking medical field and the pharmaceutical industry. This time they tackle a new study that claims that light pollution can increase the risk of Alzheimer’s in “younger people.”Again, being the backwards pseudo-scientific field of modern medicine, they focus on labeling specific “conditions” instead of understanding and explaining the cause of the symptoms and how to avoid or fix it. Let’s see

Nightly Light Pollution Will Hurt Your Health In Many Ways Read the Full Article »

Overeating and Protein. Calories Does Not Matter

The protein guy and salesman Chris Shugart over at the supplement and fitness website T-Nation recently dug out an old study from 2012 on overeating (although the data collection took place during 2005 to 2007,) and the effects of a high intake of protein. As I worked for almost 30 years in this industry, let’s take a look at it and what Chris did draw from it. “You’ll definitely gain weight if you eat

Overeating and Protein. Calories Does Not Matter Read the Full Article »

Does Refeeding After Fasting Accelerate Tumor Growth?

The shills at Medical News Today recently posted an article based on a new study performed on mice, which should say all you need to know — as mice react differently to various toxins, have a completely different anatomy and organ proportions, have a different metabolic profile, including a different nutrient uptake, processing, and storage. With that said, the study looked at mice with “cancer” and what happened during a refeeding period after fasting

Does Refeeding After Fasting Accelerate Tumor Growth? Read the Full Article »

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