
Putin Wants Ukraine Split in Two – A ‘Korean Scenario’

This headline has been up for a long time over at the Jesuit-owned fake news propaganda machine CNN. It kind of circles back to the original plot, that the eastern part of Ukraine is pro-Russia and want to be part of that country again. Eastern Ukraine has been in a state of war for a long time, which escalated 8 years ago, when the Ukrainian regime took away Russian Ukrainians their basic human rights. […]

Putin Wants Ukraine Split in Two – A ‘Korean Scenario’ Read the Full Article »

TIME Magazine Cover – Year of the Tiger and Black Goo Symbolism

This is solely my interpretation and it was done in 20 minutes. It goes hand in hand with my article from yesterday, about pandemic restrictions being dropped all over the world as we entered the Year of the Tiger.And following this theme, the Jesuit Time Magazine’s latest cover has been released for the next issue hitting the stands on February 14 – and it has one single message, “How Covid Ends.” As for the

TIME Magazine Cover – Year of the Tiger and Black Goo Symbolism Read the Full Article »

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