Revelation 13

U.S. Talking About a Fourth Covid-19 Shot This Fall

As we entered the Year of the Tiger on February 1st, it’s been somewhat quiet on the topic of the staged and fake pandemic. Countries started to open up again and you had the big satanic rituals in the Super Bowl 56 and the Olympic Games, and of course, the ongoing conflict of Russia and Ukraine, which they ‘intensified’ a bit again, as astrology and numerology fitted that agenda. Just yesterday, they really gave […]

U.S. Talking About a Fourth Covid-19 Shot This Fall Read the Full Article »

Kim Mi-soo, actress in Netflix’s Hellbound dies on the 666th day of the fake Pandemic in Revelation 13 Ritual

There surely has been a lot of death and killing rituals lately, and I foresee that this will increase during the year, as we most likely will se the passing of Queen Elizabeth (March or September) and many other celebrities. As for Kim Mi-soo, she starred in the satanic Korean Netflix show ‘Hellbound.’ A show about demons appearing to claim souls for hell after the victim has received a warning and a time when

Kim Mi-soo, actress in Netflix’s Hellbound dies on the 666th day of the fake Pandemic in Revelation 13 Ritual Read the Full Article »

Why did George Orwell’s dystopian novel take place in 1984? And why is it so closely tied to our current events?

Starting 2020, and the time thereafter, has by many been compared to Orwell’s novel 1984. Our freedom and rights have slowly been taken away by design, but with the fake pandemic it took a huge leap with lockdowns, destruction of small businesses, division and discrimination through vaccine cards and other totalitarian and dystopian measures. Some people make jokes and say that Orwell was right about everything in his novel regarding the future and that

Why did George Orwell’s dystopian novel take place in 1984? And why is it so closely tied to our current events? Read the Full Article »

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