
Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 13

In part 12, we reached the year of 2010 and the introduction of cryptocurrency. We will continue on the path of technology and its role in programming, conditioning, and shaping our minds, our beliefs, and our illusionary prison-world. In 2010, CERN began to come into focus on the world stage as they allegedly discovered and trapped the first ‘atoms’ of ‘antimatter.’ CERN is a “demonic-like” physics-project by the Saturn cult. Its name comes from […]

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 13 Read the Full Article »

The Pre-Planned and Scripted Riots in Sweden

Here we go again. People getting angry and divided, hating on all Muslims, and begging for tougher Police measures, wanting to give the Police even more authority and assistance from the military — and at a time when Sweden is looking at a membership into NATO. Exactly the reaction the government and the ruling hidden hand wants. Problem, reaction, solution – order out of chaos. If you do not understand what this is and

The Pre-Planned and Scripted Riots in Sweden Read the Full Article »

4.1 Million Refugees and Evacuees in the Headlines on April Fools

On April 1st, 2022, CNN and other “news” outlets published several stories about refugees from Ukraine. All of them fabricated and by the numbers, as they always do. However, that theme of focusing on refugees on April 1st comes as no surprise. April 1 = 4/1 = 41 Refugees = 41 And as you can see, neither does the imaginary numbers of 4.1 million, as in 41, come as a surprise.They just can’t stop

4.1 Million Refugees and Evacuees in the Headlines on April Fools Read the Full Article »

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