
Know Your Poison: Phytic Acid

In this part of covering all the toxic plant chemicals, we will look at phytic acid; one of the few antinutrients that at least some people actually know exists. While it fades in comparison with some other plant defense toxins, it’s still a very serious and dangerous one. As with all antinutrients, they are simply chemicals that bind to nutrients that the plant, or seed, need in order to grow. Phytic acid is no […]

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Meat and animal foods. It’s not only about protein, ya know…

I’ve spent most of my career within the ‘fitness industry’ and the ‘medical field’ as a nutritionist, writer, author, coach, personal trainer, and speaker. Although most of the people I’ve coached have been competing bodybuilders and fitness athletes, I’ve also worked with top athletes from most sports, as well as people just interested in improving their body composition or health. I’ve been around countless other coaches and ‘personal trainers’, and as you can imagine,

Meat and animal foods. It’s not only about protein, ya know… Read the Full Article »

Food labels are complete nonsense, what matters is what you actually absorb.

After a chemical analysis and on paper, most vegetables, nuts, seeds and fruits look like they contain some vitamins, minerals and even protein. Unfortunately for us, we do not have the complex digestion and fermentation chambers of herbivores. While vitamins and minerals are in chemical form, which cannot be absorbed by humans and need to be converted, other problems also arise, such as antinutrients, fiber, and poisonous plant defense chemicals. The bioavailability and bioconversion

Food labels are complete nonsense, what matters is what you actually absorb. Read the Full Article »

10 Diet/Nutrition Myths That Must Die In 2020

Plants cannot run away from predators. Therefore, they have developed several sinister defense mechanisms to prevent them from being eaten. These include toxins that are highly poisonous in larger quantities, antinutrients that block nutrients from being absorbed and can cause cellular damage, and phytoestrogens that will make the predator infertile. As for vitamins and minerals, none of these are in bioavailable form and must be converted in our bodies. The bioconversion rate is between

10 Diet/Nutrition Myths That Must Die In 2020 Read the Full Article »

The Vegetarian/Vegan Protein Problem: The Dangers of Soy Products such as Tofu

The Vegetarian/Vegan Protein Problem: The Dangers of Soy Products such as Tofu Written by Joachim Bartoll, September 2016Classic Muscle Newsletter, October 2016 (issue #25) In my Ketogenic article series, I touched on the “protein problem” with vegetarian or vegan versions of the ketogenic diet. The main culprit is the low protein quality of vegetable protein sources – mainly due to lacking amino acids and containing antinutrients and fiber that block absorption. On average, only

The Vegetarian/Vegan Protein Problem: The Dangers of Soy Products such as Tofu Read the Full Article »

Low Protein Days: Fight protein habituation, improve cell health and performance

Low Protein Days Fight protein habituation, improve cell health and performance Written by Joachim Bartoll, April 17, 2016Classic Muscle Newsletter #19, 2016 In my second book, ‘The Maximum Muscle Guide,’ published in mid-2009, I wrote a chapter on protein cycling. The main reason for including “low protein days” (less than 50 g protein during 24 hours), was to avoid protein habituation. At the time of writing the book, I had used the concept of

Low Protein Days: Fight protein habituation, improve cell health and performance Read the Full Article »

Healing tendon injuries with nutrition

Healing tendon injuries with nutrition Written by Joachim Bartoll, January 2016Classic Muscle Newsletter, March 2016 (issue #18) Tendon injuries can be one of the worst hurdles for anyone who regularly participates in exercise or sports. They heal slowly and can seem to last forever, and the current therapies to treat them don’t seem to be very effective. While minor muscle injuries are more common than tendon injuries, such as strains or sprains, they often

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Protein Powder Scams – Spiking and Melamine

PROTEIN POWDER SCAMS Are you getting fake and/or low-quality protein? Written by Joachim Bartoll, November 2, 2015 Classic Muscle Newsletter, January 2016 (issue #16) In the past months (end of 2015) several websites have reported about fake protein, mislabeled protein powders and nitrogen spiking. It all began with several class-action lawsuits have been filed on behalf of consumers who unknowingly purchased spiked protein products. You can read one such lawsuit here: Classactionnews. A lot

Protein Powder Scams – Spiking and Melamine Read the Full Article »

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