
Stop Focusing On A Single Macronutrient, Focus on Species Specific Nutrition!

Remember the misguided obsession that Chris Shugart of T-Nation has for protein? Well, the imbecile Matt Weik of the competing Ironmagazine is now trying to follow in Shugart’s footsteps, and to be honest he stumbles quite a lot, as usual. Let’s see what crap he scattered all over his poor readers this time. “I was cruising the internet the other day and stumbled upon some information that I found interesting. The topic was that […]

Stop Focusing On A Single Macronutrient, Focus on Species Specific Nutrition! Read the Full Article »

Forcing The Body to Use More Energy By Increased Detoxification Is Not A Good Idea

Today we return to T-Nation and their clueless and protein-obsessed writer Chris Shugart, a guy I’ve had to correct more times than I care to remember. This time he’s once again raving about the alleged metabolic/thermogenic effects of protein, which in reality are almost negligible. We already know that protein is used for several processes in the body, processes that require energy — so about 20 to 30 % of the energy content in

Forcing The Body to Use More Energy By Increased Detoxification Is Not A Good Idea Read the Full Article »

Keratin Supplementation And Skin, Hair, And Nail Health

Today we’ll take a quick look at a summary by on a study that examined the effects of supplementing with keratin hydrolysate and its possible effects on skin, hair, and nail health. Before we continue, for those unfamiliar with keratin, it’s a type of fibrous structural protein found in the epithelial cells of the outermost layers of the skin, as well as in hair, nails, horns, hooves, wool, feathers, and the scales of

Keratin Supplementation And Skin, Hair, And Nail Health Read the Full Article »

Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan

After this Saturday’s article on the toxicity of nuts (seeds) my social media was flooded by comments and questions. While the majority of comments were positive, as my friends and followers are awake and of higher intelligence than the average sleeping sheeple, some comments were from people who never really commented before — most likely people who never looked at biology, physiology or biochemistry and simply believe in mainstream backwards “nutrition science” and “medical

Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan Read the Full Article »

Nuts (Seeds) Are Extremely Toxic And Useless

As I’m a bit short on time, we return to for today’s “shorter” article and their summary of yet another stupid and unnecessary nutritional meta-analysis. And to be clear, a meta-analysis is a statistical method of combining and synthesizing the results of multiple independent studies addressing a “common research question.” So, what was this common question, this fascinating puzzle they had to solve this time? Well, this bunch of monkeys went through a

Nuts (Seeds) Are Extremely Toxic And Useless Read the Full Article »

The World’s Easiest Fat Loss Strategy Is The Carnivore Diet With Scheduled Fasting

A few days ago, the fitness- and bodybuilding wannabe writer Chris Shugart of T-Nation posted an article on what he deemed the “world’s easiest diet strategy.” Well, that’s quite a statement from someone I’ve had to correct hundreds of times while doing my article reviews. Let’s see what he has come up with, and I’ll add my thoughts as an actual coach with 25+ years of real-world experience with hundreds of competing athletes at

The World’s Easiest Fat Loss Strategy Is The Carnivore Diet With Scheduled Fasting Read the Full Article »

Colostrum Supplements And Pasteurization — Good, Bad, A Waste Of Money?

Today we return to the supplement-driven Ironmagazine and their writer Matt Weik, who might have the worst track-record in history of fitness writers. However, colostrum, as in bovine colostrum from cows, is at least an animal-based product, which means that it has a lot of bioavailable nutrients, so it must be pretty good, right? Well, let’s see what Matt Weik has to say, and I’ll step in as usual with my 30+ years of

Colostrum Supplements And Pasteurization — Good, Bad, A Waste Of Money? Read the Full Article »

Calories, As In Heat Units, Are Irrelevant To Human Physiology

Today we’ll visit the website of the bodybuilding magazine “Muscular Development” and their nutrition section where Brad Schoenfeld, Ph.D., who for some reason actually managed to make himself a name within the fitness industry, answers the question if a “calorie is a calorie.” Let’s see what Brad answers, while I’ll add some real science, common sense, and logic to the discussion. You know, the qualities that got lost somewhere along the road a long

Calories, As In Heat Units, Are Irrelevant To Human Physiology Read the Full Article »

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