
World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 14

In part 13 we saw the rise of the Kingdom of Kush and how they took control over Egypt only to be invaded by the Assyrians. During the invasion, many Nubians/Kushites moved north and ended up in Greece where they became known as Delphos and where they built the city of Delphi, the new ‘navel’ of the world. It became a place of worship and rituals, led by an ‘oracle,’ where the old Egyptian […]

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 14 Read the Full Article »

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 4

In part 3 the younger ‘demigods’ of the Cain-bloodlines rebelled against their overlords in Atlantis and settled a new civilization in old Lemuria where they shared forbidden technology and rituals with the human race. This was symbolic to that of the renegade group of fallen angels led by Lucifer and the consuming of the fruit of the Tree of knowledge. Rulers, classes, and slavery becomes the norm and from rock art, human-made markings on

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 4 Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 13

In part 12, we reached the year of 2010 and the introduction of cryptocurrency. We will continue on the path of technology and its role in programming, conditioning, and shaping our minds, our beliefs, and our illusionary prison-world. In 2010, CERN began to come into focus on the world stage as they allegedly discovered and trapped the first ‘atoms’ of ‘antimatter.’ CERN is a “demonic-like” physics-project by the Saturn cult. Its name comes from

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 13 Read the Full Article »

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