
Illuminati Celebrations: Five Human Skeletons Found Outside House of Hermann Göring

Yesterday was May 1st, known as ‘May Day,’ and also the birthday of the German Bavarian Illuminati, the Jesuit-founded order that later became the ‘Order of the Illuminati,’ and the order that influenced and helped in founding Freemasonry as a secret society, and especially Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry within the United States. And while Bavarian Illuminati was founded in Germany, its founder, the Jesuit Adam Weishaupt, was in fact Jewish. And the […]

Illuminati Celebrations: Five Human Skeletons Found Outside House of Hermann Göring Read the Full Article »

Donald Trump Announces 2024 Presidential Run while Fake Missile Hits Poland in Big 666-Antichrist Rituals

Again, a lot is happening at once on the world stage. While puppet Donald Trump handed in the paperwork for being able to run for president in 2024, a ‘Russian’ missile allegedly exploded in Poland, close to the Ukrainian border. As for the missile nonsense, it’s obviously fake as always, same as the silly CGI-war that has been ongoing between Russia and Ukraine since February 24. There are so many people, especially in Ukraine,

Donald Trump Announces 2024 Presidential Run while Fake Missile Hits Poland in Big 666-Antichrist Rituals Read the Full Article »

The Staged and Fake War Continues All by the Numbers — But Who Actually Cares?

First, I’d like to do a quick shout-out of gratitude to excellent decoder and revealer of deceit in fellow Anthony Davison. This guy does an excellent job in exposing many of the headlines from the staged and totally fake war in Ukraine, while most of us have grown tired of it – hence the headline. How many people do you know or have met in the last couple of months that are actually speaking

The Staged and Fake War Continues All by the Numbers — But Who Actually Cares? Read the Full Article »

Russia Shuts Off Natural Gas Supplies to Poland and Bulgaria

On April 26, Russian state energy giant Gazprom cut off natural gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria after they refused to meet the demand by Moscow to pay in rubles, rather than euros or dollars. In this big distraction and psy-op that is the staged and mostly fake war in Ukraine, this announcement by Russia came exactly 201-days after Vladimir Putin’s birthday. And remember, this was on Tuesday, the day named after Mars, the

Russia Shuts Off Natural Gas Supplies to Poland and Bulgaria Read the Full Article »

More Propaganda: Russian Missile Strike Lviv, 43 Miles from Polish Border

If you followed my page or others with live feeds, there are several cameras streaming from Lviv and absolutely nothing is going on. Nothing more than some TV/Media production on a staged street/block cut-off from the rest of the city, as we’ve seen in all staged reports so far.Anyway, it’s always comical when the lying media show their hand directly in the headline, and they always do that with their love for numbers. 43

More Propaganda: Russian Missile Strike Lviv, 43 Miles from Polish Border Read the Full Article »

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