
Drinking Sparkling Water Will Force Your Body To Produce More Bicarbonate Ions To Avoid Hypercapnia

Today we return to Medical News Today and another great example of the wrong-think and the embarrassing lack of knowledge we see in almost every single medical- and nutritional study conducted today — as well as the publications writing about them. This should be basic level biology, physiology, and biochemistry, yet they fail at almost every single step. Let’s see what the morons have to say about something as stupid as sparkling water and […]

Drinking Sparkling Water Will Force Your Body To Produce More Bicarbonate Ions To Avoid Hypercapnia Read the Full Article »

The False Calcium and pH Disinformation Psy-Op And a High Animal Protein Diet

You know that you’ve made it as a disinformation agent, as a shill for the plant-based food industry, when the top-dog of controlled opposition, Dr. Mercola, features your juvenile garbage on his website. Yes, I’m talking about Dr. James DiNicolantoni, a gatekeeping shill that mixes some nutritional truths, such as the ketogenic diet and the benefits of cholesterol, with a lot of deception and lies. And that is the only conclusion I can draw

The False Calcium and pH Disinformation Psy-Op And a High Animal Protein Diet Read the Full Article »

There is no such thing as acidic or alkaline food!

I have touched on this pseudoscience nonsense many times. There is no such thing as a food being acidic or alkaline to the body. However, I still see a lot of “dieticians,” “nutritionists,” practitioners of “holistic nutrition”, and “fitness coaches” claiming that our body need more alkaline foods, or worse, supplements to make it more alkaline. If you have any understanding of human physiology, you should know that nutrients from the food is mostly

There is no such thing as acidic or alkaline food! Read the Full Article »

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