Order of Illuminati

Why the Media Focused on the Donbas Region on May 31st

Most of May 31st, the headlines from the very staged and fake war in Ukraine was about the Donbas region and why it is so ‘important’ to Putin. Well, if you remember one of my first decodes from this theatre, you know that the phrase ‘Donbas Region’ equals to ‘201’ in reverse ordinal gematria, just the same as ‘The Jesuit Order’ and ‘Order of Illuminati’ – the secret order that Jesuit priest Adam Weishaupt […]

Why the Media Focused on the Donbas Region on May 31st Read the Full Article »

China Enters Taiwan’s Air Defense Zone Again in Jesuit 201-Ritual

According to Taiwan’s defense ministry, 30 Chinese aircrafts entered its defense zone and was warned away. These scripted incidents escalated on October 5, 2021, when China flown a record ‘56’ warplanes towards the island nation as a part of a three day long sustained action. 56 is the number of Society of Jesus, as in the Jesuit Order, and October 5, 2021, had a ’56’-date numerology, same as the keyword ‘three’ which sums to

China Enters Taiwan’s Air Defense Zone Again in Jesuit 201-Ritual Read the Full Article »

Most Fake ‘201’ Story of the Year: She Smeared Blood on Herself and Played Dead

What happens when you watch to many stupid zombie TV-shows and movies, like “The Walking Dead,” where they smear themselves with blood and guts to avoid detection from the zombies? You become a gullible sheep who believe the most horrendous and fake stories you’re being spoon fed by the media. That is what happens! If you think this story is real, that a 11-year-old (always the 11-master number,) not giving an emotional fuck about

Most Fake ‘201’ Story of the Year: She Smeared Blood on Herself and Played Dead Read the Full Article »

FDA Authorizes Pfizer Covid-19 Booster for Children Ages 5 to 11, 201-Days After Bill Gates Birthday

The unfathomable evil and deceit continues. There is, and have never been, such a thing as a virus or transmittable disease, much less something as idiotic as pandemics. Up to this date, 187 health and science institutions from all over the world have all failed to cite even one record of Covid-19, or any virus, being isolated and proven to exist. The existence of viruses is simply a fabricated and very profitable lie. Unfortunately,

FDA Authorizes Pfizer Covid-19 Booster for Children Ages 5 to 11, 201-Days After Bill Gates Birthday Read the Full Article »

The Buffalo Supermarket Shooting Freemasonic ‘33’ False Flag — Updated May 19

Again, just like the South Carolina Mall Shooting on April 16, we have another shooting on a Saturday, exactly four weeks later. Saturday = 107, 53, 109, 37, 102, 642, 654Shooting = 107, 53, 109, 37, 102, 642, 654 However, more importantly, this shooting comes exactly 33-days after the last shooting in New York, the Brooklyn Subway Station Shooting on April 12. If you remember that false flag and staged shooting, the alleged shooter

The Buffalo Supermarket Shooting Freemasonic ‘33’ False Flag — Updated May 19 Read the Full Article »

Bill Gates Tests Positive for Imaginary ConAIDS-1984

So, the vaccine-puppet and ‘pandemic expert,’ who recently wrote the book, ‘How to Prevent the Next Pandemic,’ still got a virus that does not exist. Do you see the irony and mocking in this story if their lies actually would be true, that viruses really would exist? A pandemic is defined by people getting a disease. To stop such a silly scenario, you need to prevent people from getting that imaginary disease. Still, the

Bill Gates Tests Positive for Imaginary ConAIDS-1984 Read the Full Article »

The Conditioning of Lies Continues – Children With “Long Covid”

They have been targeting children for a long time now. And as anyone with a working brain can figure out; if you have nutrition deficiencies, or if you’re mostly locked indoors not getting sun exposure and are being isolated from friends and other people, or if you’re wearing a diaper on your face restricting oxygen flow and forcing you to breath in carbon dioxide, you will get tired, lethargic, and you’ll experience any common

The Conditioning of Lies Continues – Children With “Long Covid” Read the Full Article »

Fed Issues Biggest Rate Increase in 22-Years

The Federal Reserve raised interest rates by a half-percentage point this Wednesday to get a handle on the worst inflation America has seen in 40 years.It’s the first time in 22-years that the central bank has ‘hiked’ rates this much, and it’s no coincidence that this happens in ’22. This goes hand-in-hand with the Dow falling 810 points back on April 26 and the Deutsche Bank warning about recession. More is coming and this

Fed Issues Biggest Rate Increase in 22-Years Read the Full Article »

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