nutrient deficiencies

Iron Deficiency and Blood Tests Explained

In late August, I corrected the extreme misinformation in an article by Medical News Today where they blamed heme iron for causing diabetes, when the truth was the complete opposite. On that note, recently, the disinformation shills at Healthline, the owners of Medical News Today, published an article about iron deficiency and how to remedy it. Of course, as usual, they fail to understand simple biology and biochemistry, so let’s take a look at […]

Iron Deficiency and Blood Tests Explained Read the Full Article »

Bariatric Weight-Loss Surgery: Never Submit Yourself To Surgery Unless Seriously Injured!

One of the worst and possible most evil ways to manipulate weak-minded and gullible people, is to maim them for life through surgical procedures, such as bariatric surgery, or “weight-loss surgery” to reduce the size of the stomach in order to limit the amount of food someone can eat in a day. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence should be able to figure out that such an approach is a very, very bad idea. And

Bariatric Weight-Loss Surgery: Never Submit Yourself To Surgery Unless Seriously Injured! Read the Full Article »

Healing And Detoxing: Different Foods Suppress Migraine By Different Mechanics

Today we return to the pharmaceutical and government shills at Healthline for a perfect example of how little researchers understand human physiology and biology — especially when it comes to symptoms and the healing processes and what actually happens when you consume something that relieves you of that symptom. Yes, I’ve covered this in articles such as “More on Disease and Healing – And Why Most Medicines and “Natural” Remedies are Worthless,” “Reminder! Herbs,

Healing And Detoxing: Different Foods Suppress Migraine By Different Mechanics Read the Full Article »

Changes To The Brain During Pregnancy Is Due To Nutrient Deficiencies

Today we return to the shills at Medical News Today and their latest look at some “research” into pregnancy and the changes that can occur to the brain. As this is very relevant to proper human nutrition, and I have touched on the subject in the past in my article “Starting or Expanding Your Family – How nutrition and toxins influence your child” from 2017, let’s see what MNT has to say this time.

Changes To The Brain During Pregnancy Is Due To Nutrient Deficiencies Read the Full Article »

The Need For Mineral Supplementation Equals A Lacking Diet

Today we return to T-Nation after weeks of them doing reruns of their advertisement articles, trying to sell you toxic supplement junk. And while this is also an advertisement article for mineral supplements, I’ve only touched on minerals in some previous articles, so let’s take a deeper look today. “If you aren’t using REAL chelated minerals, you probably have a deficiency that can lead to low T and other problems. Here’s what you need

The Need For Mineral Supplementation Equals A Lacking Diet Read the Full Article »

Why They Attack And Lie About Low-Carb and Ketogenic Diets

Today we return to the pharmaceutical shill-website Medical News Today for a perfect example of the inverted pseudo-science that has infected the whole world as “Nutrition Science.” I should know, I studied and worked within that retarded sham for almost 30 years. Fortunately, I was a “low-carb” ketogenic guy, going against the mainstream, which saved my clients from the incredible harm this backwards thinking does to people all over the world on a daily

Why They Attack And Lie About Low-Carb and Ketogenic Diets Read the Full Article »

Fat Regain Is Due To Nutrient Deficiencies

Today we return to T-Nation as Chris Shugart takes a look at yet another extremely retarded theory in an effort to sell some supplements to their gullible readers. As you might know, I worked for more than 30+ years the fitness/coaching-, diet-, supplement-, and medical industry at an elite level, coaching more than 1100 athletes — especially within Bodybuilding and Fitness, as in getting athletes ridiculously shredded for competitions and keeping a decent appearance

Fat Regain Is Due To Nutrient Deficiencies Read the Full Article »

The Dave Bautista Controversy And Going Plant-Based Will Destroy You

Here’s another article I really didn’t feel like writing at first, as I had never heard of this ex-wrestler ‘Dave Bautista’ until his “transformation” pictures started circulating on social media and then, of course, the clueless writer Matt Weik of “Ironmagazine” had to write about it.So, let’s humor him while stating some undeniable facts. “The internet seems to be raging on fire lately with the recent images of Dave Bautista. More specifically, his weight

The Dave Bautista Controversy And Going Plant-Based Will Destroy You Read the Full Article »

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