No-Confidence Vote

Freemasonic ritual

Why did they do this No-Confidence Ritual at the Swedish Parliament?

Just a quick little speculation… By looking at the numbers and the obvious gematria, we know that this vote was planned and rigged. We also know that the media pushed press photos with the tattooed Freemason in the police force, just to gloat that it was a successful Freemasonic ritual/operation. I covered this here: The question is why? Only as a diversion? To keep people occupied with theatrics? To change the dynamics and […]

Why did they do this No-Confidence Ritual at the Swedish Parliament? Read the Full Article »

Swedish Prime Minister Ousted by the Numbers

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven Ousted in No-Confidence Vote – All By The Numbers

This will be really quick. There’s a lot more to this. Unfortunately, I only have time to point out the most obvious, using their language of Gematria. I might get back to this story at a later date, especially considering how things may develop. Also, notice the feeble try to do the ‘hidden hand’ Freemasonic Royal Arch Degree gesture by Stefan Löfven in the photo (aka., Mason of the Secret). In Swedish:“Regeringen faller i

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven Ousted in No-Confidence Vote – All By The Numbers Read the Full Article »

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