The NATO Theatre – Sweden to Follow Finland?

Yesterday, the Swedish Prime Minister and Jesuit-controlled puppet Magdalena Andersson announced her party’s support for Sweden to apply to join NATO. This is of course inline with Agenda 2030 and part of the fake pandemic and the staged war in Ukraine. The brainwashed and dumbed down sheep of Sweden are still frightened from the extremely silly and faked coronavirus pandemic, and now recently by the even worse staged and fabricated “war” in Ukraine. A […]

The NATO Theatre – Sweden to Follow Finland? Read the Full Article »

The Russian and Ukraine Theatre Continues, as Joe Biden Delivered Yet Another Message by the Numbers

In a speech at the alleged White House, Biden said to Russian citizens that the US and its allies are not a threat to them and that there’s “plenty” of room for diplomacy with Russia to avoid a conflict in Europe. “The United States and NATO are not a threat to Russia. Ukraine is not a threat to Russia. Neither the US nor NATO have missiles in Ukraine. We do not — do not

The Russian and Ukraine Theatre Continues, as Joe Biden Delivered Yet Another Message by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

US Troops Deploy to Eastern Europe – and Feb. 2 and Feb. 4 are linked

Puppet Joe Biden has approved the deployment of 3,000 US troops to Poland, Germany and Romania, in a move to bolster NATO countries in Eastern Europe as tens of thousands of Russian troops amassed along Ukraine’s border.This conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been a well laid out Psy-op for many, many years now – the perfect distraction (just as China and North Korea.) But that does not mean that they can’t flip the

US Troops Deploy to Eastern Europe – and Feb. 2 and Feb. 4 are linked Read the Full Article »

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