
Actors on the World Stage and the New Agenda of Luring in the Right-Wingers

A few hours after I decoded the utterly staged and fake “shooting” at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church, Fox News and some other “Right-Wing” media channels joined the psy-op and “identified” the dead “female” shooter as a ‘transgender.’ With this scripted, and totally irrelevant update of the staged theatrical event, we are reminded of another psy-op, another totally fake shooting that took place at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee. If you remember, the fake […]

Actors on the World Stage and the New Agenda of Luring in the Right-Wingers Read the Full Article »

Fake Nashville Shooter Manifesto Presented by Shill Steven Crowder

Steven Crowder, the controlled opposition puppet on the “conservative” right-wing axis of the illusion-Matrix, released what was said to be a “manifesto” of the Nashville Shooter – a shooting that was extremely badly staged and obviously fake. Of course, it’s his job to make these Masonic psy-ops look real, and to enforce the hatred agenda of the “right-wing.” That is the sole purpose of alternative media, to reinforce the lie and the deceit, but

Fake Nashville Shooter Manifesto Presented by Shill Steven Crowder Read the Full Article »

Staged Shooting at Covenant Elementary School in Nashville, Tennessee

Here we go again with another extremely badly staged and fake mass shooting all by the numbers, and this time it was first presented as a ‘female first’ mass shooter at a school, and that during March, the ‘Women’s History Month.’ Such a mockery. Of course, the shooter was then called out as a “transgender,” which simply is a brilliant plot-twist to engage conservative, right-wing extremists, and Q-tards and get them to believe in

Staged Shooting at Covenant Elementary School in Nashville, Tennessee Read the Full Article »

Gatekeeper Joe Rogan Allegedly Caught the Fake ‘Rona

Before UFC went mainstream and started with really obvious rigged and staged fights (by the numbers) around 2012, I saw every fight and I really loved MMA. Mainly because I trained some classical martial arts in my young age, and did a lot of combat training in my early 20’s. UFC introduced me to Joe Rogan and when he opened his discussion forums in the early 2000’s we interacted quite a bit for a

Gatekeeper Joe Rogan Allegedly Caught the Fake ‘Rona Read the Full Article »

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