
The Satanic 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony Mockery

I didn’t really want to write about the 2024 Olympic Games, as it is the old ‘bread and circuses’ (or ‘bread and games’) for the dumbed-down and sleeping masses; cheap entertainment for the subdued slave of the beast system. It’s part of the imprisonment and enslavement scheme through world stage illusions. However, the satanic opening ceremony, very much like the Corona Virus predictive programming from Barcelona in 1992 and the 2012 Summer Olympics in […]

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Trump Case Closing Arguments Begin Exactly 60 Weeks After His Indictment

According to the timeline of the New York vs. Trump “Hush-Money” investigation, it all began with Trump’s indictment by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg on April 4, 2023. Now, exactly 60 weeks later, on May 28, 2024, the closing arguments for the trial began. As Trump is still rigged to win the upcoming 60th Presidential Election, could this fake theatre have been scripted any better? Donald Trump = 602024 President = 60 The next

Trump Case Closing Arguments Begin Exactly 60 Weeks After His Indictment Read the Full Article »

King Charles Unveils First Official Portrait Since Coronation — Updated

King Charles III on Tuesday unveiled the first official painted portrait of himself since his coronation just over a year ago — a oil painting symbolizing the Beast, him being in hell, and with the Monarch Butterfly above his right shoulder. Of course, the painting is 8ft 6in by 6ft 6in, as in ‘666,’ the Number of the Beast.Also, Charles III was born on November 14, and the portrait was revealed on May 14,

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3/22, The Day of Skull & Bones: Staged Crocus City Hall Attack & Kate Middelton Cancer Diagnosis — Updated

Yesterday, March 22, 2024, as in 3/22, or Order 322, as in Skull and Bones Freemasonry did not pass by unnoticed. And let’s not forget that Yale University, the headquarters of Skull and Bones, celebrates being 322 years old this year. As the world is ruled by the elite families through their Jesuit Order of the Catholic Church, the Freemasonic orders are the ones doing all the work, as they have their members present

3/22, The Day of Skull & Bones: Staged Crocus City Hall Attack & Kate Middelton Cancer Diagnosis — Updated Read the Full Article »

Grand Theft Auto VI’s Trailer is a Feast in Freemasonic Satanic Symbolism

The Grand Theft Auto videogame series has always been filled with Freemasonic and Illuminati symbolism, and also a lot of puns and jokes to desensitize the gamers towards all the secret orders and satanic references. So, it comes as no surprise that the first trailer for their upcoming Grand Theft Auto VI was released on Monday, December 4, 2023, instead of December 5 as previously stated, because it’s all in the numbers. First of

Grand Theft Auto VI’s Trailer is a Feast in Freemasonic Satanic Symbolism Read the Full Article »

Mid-Year Revival of the George Floyd Media Hoax Ritual

Yesterday, on November 25, the mainstream media revived the old Freemasonic Ritual, the staged theatrical event of crisis-actor Derek Chauvin kneeling on his buddy’s and also crisis-actor George Floyd’s neck during a fake arrest, which allegedly led to the death of Floyd, with new headlines claiming that “Derek Chauvin, officer convicted of murdering George Floyd, survived prison stabbing.” Of course, it was all fake, just as fake as this alleged “prison stabbing,” as he,

Mid-Year Revival of the George Floyd Media Hoax Ritual Read the Full Article »

Satanic Rituals: Apple Unveiled iPhone 15

Here we go again with Apple, symbolizing the forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden. You know, the company controlled by the elite families that priced their first shitty consumer computer at a symbolic $666.66, the Number of the Beast. Of course, this time it is iPhone 15, as in 1+5 equals 6, and CNN simply had to list 6 takeaways from Apple’s event. Yep, those sixes are everywhere in this story. Not only

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 25

In part 24, emperor Hadrian of the Roman Empire visited the remining ruins of Jerusalem, where he founded the new city of Aelia Capitolina and built a temple to honor Jupiter, as in Sumerian Enlil, Egypt Ammon and Osiris (Orion,) Babylonian Marduk, Greek Zeus, Hebrew YHVH, and Nordic Odin.This led to the third Jewish revolt led by Simon Bar Kokhba, in which ‘Israel’ became independent for 2,5 years before once again being crushed by

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