metabolic disorder

Going To Bed Late Increases The Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease, Obesity and Diabetes

Again we return to Medical News Today and another review of a recent study where the authors found that going to bed late, independent of lifestyle factors such as late snacking, increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, as well as body fat accumulation. Of course, if you know anything about physiology, or if you’ve been coached by me and “lectured” on the importance of going to bed before 10 p.m., you should be […]

Going To Bed Late Increases The Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease, Obesity and Diabetes Read the Full Article »

Fruit Is Not Carnivore, Fruit Is Not Even Food — Updated

It’s extremely simple. There is only one species-specific, species-appropriate diet for each category of animal. There is only one way of eating, one natural diet that will maximize health and vitality and let you live a life close to your life expectancy. Going against your physiology and consuming “foods” that are not species-appropriate will severely damage your body and shorten your life-span. Within biology, we can see this with dogs where those who are

Fruit Is Not Carnivore, Fruit Is Not Even Food — Updated Read the Full Article »

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