
The Trump Theatre Continues – Indicted in Classified Document Probe

The twice-impeached Jesuit-trained and over-the-top media actor Donald Trump now faces his second criminal indictment and a total of 31 counts related to his handling of national defense documents after he left office – or at least that is the script that is being played on the world stage to keep the dumbed down masses believing in the political system of left vs. right and the illusion that politics, and political figures matters.I’ve covered […]

The Trump Theatre Continues – Indicted in Classified Document Probe Read the Full Article »

NASA Calls Off Artemis I Launch, again – Revelation, Cracks and the Kraken

Well, look at that. The second ‘attempt’ to launch their phallos-symbol towards the skies has been scrubbed, same as the first. Again, they blame this on a ‘crack’ making liquid hydrogen leaking. And this crack being worse than the first one. This goes back to the ‘crack in the dam’ as shown in the pre-programming tv-show Westworld, which is symbolic of flooding and creating a lake where the Beast will rise as in Revelation

NASA Calls Off Artemis I Launch, again – Revelation, Cracks and the Kraken Read the Full Article »

Biden Fuels Division: MAGA ‘extremism’ is a Threat to US Democracy — Updated

Here we go again, playing and reinforcing both sides of the illusion. Joe, the “president” who is ‘Biden’ time while they act out Revelation, said in a clear ritual that Republicans and the right “thrive on chaos and that their attempts to undermine democracy could devolve into violence.” He then added, “they live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.” Speaking of “light” in such a manner is of

Biden Fuels Division: MAGA ‘extremism’ is a Threat to US Democracy — Updated Read the Full Article »

The Attack on Information and People Exposing the Lies and Deceit Continues, Exactly as I wrote Yesterday – Online Quarantine is Coming

And there you have it, a full confirmation of what I wrote about yesterday after FBI posted their bulletin to law enforcement agencies warning about threats and the possibility of civil war in the aftermath of their raid on Trump’s Florida estate Mar-a-Lago. Later that day, on August 15, ‘liberal’ (fake) news outlets such as MSNBC/NBC News posted about the staged and faked standoff between Ricky Shiffer and the FBI where Shiffer allegedly was

The Attack on Information and People Exposing the Lies and Deceit Continues, Exactly as I wrote Yesterday – Online Quarantine is Coming Read the Full Article »

FBI Warns of ‘Civil War’ and ‘Dirty Bomb’ Threats in the Aftermath of the Staged and Faked Mar-a-Lago Raid

According to the Jesuit and Freemasonic controlled Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS,) in the days since the warrant was executed to raid Trumps Florida estate, there have been an increase in “violent threats” against law enforcement, judiciary and government personnel, including a particular threat to “place a so-called Dirty Bomb in front of FBI headquarters.” While there sure is some nutjobs and Q’tards capable of this out there,

FBI Warns of ‘Civil War’ and ‘Dirty Bomb’ Threats in the Aftermath of the Staged and Faked Mar-a-Lago Raid Read the Full Article »

More on the Staged Mar-a-Lago FBI Raid, Trump’s new Campaign, Trump as the Seventh King, The Looming August 16, and Trump Taking the Fifth

This article will be a short summary of the past few days, especially concerning the Jesuit’s little puppet Donald Trump and their CIA psyop of Q. I will also present some theories about the game of revelation that the people in power are acting out, as well as a premonition for August 16, which will be an date of great importance. Trump is back in the spotlight again, tearing up emotions among the sleeping

More on the Staged Mar-a-Lago FBI Raid, Trump’s new Campaign, Trump as the Seventh King, The Looming August 16, and Trump Taking the Fifth Read the Full Article »

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Residence Allegedly Raided and under Siege by the FBI – And a Journey into Numerology, Mysticism, and Trump’s 888 Connection

According to the Jesuit controlled media, The FBI executed a search warrant Monday at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, as part of an investigation into the handling of presidential documents, including classified documents, that may have been brought there. Note that it, allegedly, was ‘three’ people who told CNN about the situation. You know, ‘three’ that sums to their beloved hoax code of ’56.’ You just can’t report on rituals of

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Residence Allegedly Raided and under Siege by the FBI – And a Journey into Numerology, Mysticism, and Trump’s 888 Connection Read the Full Article »

Jesuit Puppet Trump Posts on Truth Social for First Time Since Launch

Donald Trump posted for the first time on the latest CIA-controlled ‘TRUTH Social’ platform, allegedly founded by himself, since it launched in February – and of course all pre-planned and by the numbers, as they do with everything. “I’M BACK! #COVFEFE,” Trump wrote Thursday, just days after another puppet and actor, Elon Musk, bought Twitter. The post was accompanied with a photo of Trump holding his phone standing outside his Mar-a-Lago mansion. “Get ready!

Jesuit Puppet Trump Posts on Truth Social for First Time Since Launch Read the Full Article »

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