
World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 44

The previous part is here: https://bartoll.se/2023/11/history-matrix-part43/All parts of this series can be found here: https://bartoll.se/world-playbook-quickstart/ In 573 AD, after Emperor Justin II refused to pay the annual tribute to Persian King Khosrau I, the Byzantine–Sassanid War was reignited. After a six-month siege, King Khosrau I captured the Byzantine/Roman stronghold of Dara.Also, a smaller Persian army crossed the Euphrates River and ravaged Syria. The cities of Apamea and Antiochia were plundered. In Europe, the Frankish […]

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 44 Read the Full Article »

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 43

The previous part is here: https://bartoll.se/2023/11/history-matrix-part42/All parts of this series can be found here: https://bartoll.se/world-playbook-quickstart/ In 554 AD, during the spring, the Frankish and Gothic/Alamanni army led by Buccelin had marched north and due to starvation and the harsh weather, their numbers had been reduced to roughly 30,000 men. By October they were confronted by the Byzantine army with only 18,000 men at Casilinum (on the banks of the river Volturno.) The Byzantine general

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 43 Read the Full Article »

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 42

The previous part is here: https://bartoll.se/2023/11/history-matrix-part41/All parts of this series can be found here: https://bartoll.se/world-playbook-quickstart/ In 541 AD, the alleged “Plague of Justinian” was said to have ‘appeared suddenly’ in Egypt and then it “spread” to Alexandria. According to the manipulated historical records, it severely affected the Sasanian Empire and the Byzantine Empire, especially Constantinople with an estimated death toll of 15 to 100 million in total. However, we know that viruses and plagues

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 42 Read the Full Article »

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