
All Sugars/Carbohydrates Turn into Toxic Glucose

On March 19, 2024, the controlled opposition and gatekeeper website, featuring the ‘alternative medicine’ proponent and quack Dr. Mercola, published an article called “Hidden Sugars in Everyday Foods — Which Should Concern You?” While it may seem like a good message on the surface, as in avoiding “sugars,” Mercola totally misrepresents the science, as usual, and actually reinforces the bastardized, dangerous, and maiming nutritional propaganda of the evil and corrupted food industry, medical […]

All Sugars/Carbohydrates Turn into Toxic Glucose Read the Full Article »

Dr. Eric Berg: Healthy Keto vs. Dirty Keto

Muscle & Fitness recently published a Keto-based article based on an interview with Dr. Eric Berg. And while Dr. Berg might seem ‘controversial’ and ‘censored’ on YouTube in the eyes of the sleeping general public, he’s still somewhat trapped in the pseudoscience and ideology of nutrition. So, let’s see what Muscle & Fitness and Dr. Eric Berg has to say about the Ketogenic Diet and the multiple versions of it. The article’s preamble paints

Dr. Eric Berg: Healthy Keto vs. Dirty Keto Read the Full Article »

Nutritional Coaches, Nutritionists, and Dietitians

I’ve always been a forerunner within the fitness industry. Even before my real awakening in 2018, I never considered becoming a registered nutritionist or dietitian, even though I had the educational background and years of experience. I could easily have provided the answers they were looking for, but that would have meant that I had compromised what I knew was right. Even back then, in the late 90’s, I knew that carbohydrates were bad

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LMHR Hypothesis by Dave Feldman and The Real Science on Cholesterol

By request of a good friend, this will be a quick review of this video (below) by Dave Feldman, where he is asking for participants for a study on cholesterol and plaque build-up. While his intention might be good, he has no idea of what he is doing and is mixing pseudo-science into his own hypothesizes. This all goes back to the “doctors” (charlatans) Brown and Goldstein, who allegedly saw a patient that in

LMHR Hypothesis by Dave Feldman and The Real Science on Cholesterol Read the Full Article »

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