
Israel-Hamas Psy-Op Date-Numerology Decoded

If you read my first article on the staged war between Hamas and Israel, two wings of the same bird pretending to fight each other, I explained that the coded ritualistic side of the psy-op was tied to their ongoing script of the Book of Revelation, that of the Antichrist – and that you have two versions, as in two opposites, playing out at the same time – the way they always do it. […]

Israel-Hamas Psy-Op Date-Numerology Decoded Read the Full Article »

A Few Words on the History of Israel

As I’m currently a bit pressed on time, this will be a short summery of Israel as a country and its history. For those new to the real world, the one outside of the media- and government illusion, the world that we actually live in, it might help to understand what is going on, and it will serve as an introduction to deeper analyzes of the fake war, that I hopefully have time to

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Israel-Hamas, Modern Mind Warfare III

The mainstream media is already comparing the staged and fake war in Israel with previous staged and fake psy-ops like Pearl Harbor and 9/11. It’s part of their game, the revelation of the method, and their coded messages. They have to update the programming for each generation. It’s the same mind-control program they used for hundreds of years, just a different script. For a bit of the background about this Biblical fake war, please

Israel-Hamas, Modern Mind Warfare III Read the Full Article »

The Israel-Hamas War Psy-Op

As many decoders have said, this was expected, and especially on October 7, as in 10/7, or 107. However, there’s still a lot of people who think that this is totally and fully real, that the (CIA and Saudi/Jesuit sponsored) “terrorist group” Hamas actually did a “surprise attack” on Israel. No. Hamas, and the alleged sponsor Iran, are only the boogeymen for mainstream media within this region of the world stage. It’s all Biblical,

The Israel-Hamas War Psy-Op Read the Full Article »

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