Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 1

To better understand why the big masses, the NPC, behave like they do, and why even baby-truthers defend obvious actors, controlled opposition, and agents like Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, or even Mel Gibson or Keanu Reeves, we need to understand the concept of mind control, how the control system rule through the mind. As far back as we can tell, humans have been taught and conditioned to worship any form of ‘God’ as something […]

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 1 Read the Full Article »

New Branch of ISIS Emerges on the Scene to fit their Rituals and Staged Attacks – also more on references to 9/11 and Mithraism

Suddenly a new branch of ISIS, called ‘ISIS-K,’ emerges as an ‘threat’ to the evacuation out of Afghanistan and, a day later, takes responsibility for an alleged (staged) attack. Who/what the heck is ISIS-K?Well, ‘K’ is the eleventh letter, as in 9/11… And if we search the interwebz, Kiro 7 News, claims, “ISIS-K announced its formation in an online video in January 10, 2015”.January 10? As in 10+1 or 11? Just as ‘K’ and

New Branch of ISIS Emerges on the Scene to fit their Rituals and Staged Attacks – also more on references to 9/11 and Mithraism Read the Full Article »