intermittent fasting

The Most Certainly Retarded Diet — And How To Actually Get Shredded

When visiting T-Nation, a former bodybuilding web magazine that emerged in the late 1990’s and unsuccessfully tried to compete with my IronMag Online during 1999 to 2002 and that of lately have turned into a supplement advertisement website averages about 2,000 views per article, almost what some of my less popular articles average here on However, one of their recent articles has got close to 22,000 views, and of course, it’s about “dieting” […]

The Most Certainly Retarded Diet — And How To Actually Get Shredded Read the Full Article »

Stupidity Without Bounds: Incorrect Time-Restricted Eating Vs. Energy Restriction For Sleep Quality

Today we return to and a summary of another totally idiotic, backwards-thinking and unnecessary trial proving that researchers and the monkeys of today practicing “modern science” might just be the stupidest people on Earth. Let’s see what they f**ked up this time… Quick Summary “In this 12-month randomized controlled trial in 77 adults with obesity, researchers looked at differences in sleep parameters due to either time-restricted eating or calorie restriction.” Well, if time-restricted

Stupidity Without Bounds: Incorrect Time-Restricted Eating Vs. Energy Restriction For Sleep Quality Read the Full Article »

Eating Less And Reducing Inflammation Is A Very Bad Thing!

Today we return to and yet another review of a totally meaningless study. If you understand anything about physiology and our body’s detoxification and healing processes, you’ll know why. If not, I’ll break it down for you. What was studied? “The effect of intermittent fasting or calorie restriction on plasma inflammatory biomarkers in the context of overweight or obesity.” Inflammation is the result of our body detoxifying and/or healing damaged tissue. It is

Eating Less And Reducing Inflammation Is A Very Bad Thing! Read the Full Article »

Study Proves The Importance Of Toxic Load And Hormones In Body Fat Distribution

Today we return to the awful pharmaceutical shill-site Medscape Medical News and a recent review of a study on time-restricted eating and reductions in body weight, especially in VAT.Let’s get right into it. Methodology “Although previous studies suggest that TRE may lead to modest weight loss and improvements in cardiometabolic health, the optimal timing of the eating window in TRE and its impact on VAT remains unclear.” Perhaps among full-blown retards like these monkeys

Study Proves The Importance Of Toxic Load And Hormones In Body Fat Distribution Read the Full Article »

What Fasting Method Is Most Effective For Fat Loss?

Today we return to and their review of a meta-analysis looking at various combinations of “intermittent” fasting regimens and their effectiveness when the goal is to lose body fat. As you probably know, I’ve used fasting as my number one fat loss tool among my clients, including top-level bodybuilders since 2008. Amongst overweight clients I’ve used either two 36-hour fasts a week (5:2) or an every other day fasting (alternate-day) approach. For bodybuilders

What Fasting Method Is Most Effective For Fat Loss? Read the Full Article »

Ramadan Is Not Fasting And It’s Practiced Backwards

Since there has been no real interesting articles or news as of lately, we once again return to and one of their summaries of yet another really stupid meta-analysis. What was studied? “The effect of Ramadan fasting on kidney function in people who either had chronic kidney disease (CKD) or received a kidney transplant. The primary outcomes were changes in creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate.” First, let’s define fasting. Fasting is the

Ramadan Is Not Fasting And It’s Practiced Backwards Read the Full Article »

Eating In The Evening Contributes To Diabetes? Eating Late Is Always Bad!

Recently, the pharmaceutical shills and misinformation “health” platform Medical News Today published an article based on a study investigating the impact on eating large meals in the evening and the connection to increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Although I have covered this subject many times, let’s see where they are going with this, what they tell us, and what they do not. “As the holidays approach and the epic meals begin, a study

Eating In The Evening Contributes To Diabetes? Eating Late Is Always Bad! Read the Full Article »

Time-Restricted Eating Is Our Natural Approach To Food (Detoxing, Healing, Fat Loss)

Today we return to and their summary of a meta-analysis looking at weight loss, body composition, and blood lipids in overweight adults following a time-restricted eating schedule. What was studied? “The effect of time-restricted eating (TRE) on anthropometrics (body measurements) and body mass in the context of overweight and obesity.” Well, using a time-restricted approach to eating, as in a feeding window of 4, 6 or 8 hours, will likely mean less food

Time-Restricted Eating Is Our Natural Approach To Food (Detoxing, Healing, Fat Loss) Read the Full Article »

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