
Richard Slayman Died a Jesuit 56-days After His Alleged Pig Kidney Transplant

On March 16, 2024, Richard Slayman was allegedly the first living person to receive a “genetically modified” pig kidney, something CNN called a medical milestone, while most educated people simply would call it ‘bollocks.’Now, this will be short and sweet, as I have less than one hour this morning for reading, researching, writing, editing, and publishing. On May 12, the media reported that Richard Slayman had died on May 11, exactly a Jesuit and […]

Richard Slayman Died a Jesuit 56-days After His Alleged Pig Kidney Transplant Read the Full Article »

Trump Theatre: Lawyer for Stormy Daniels Denies ‘Hush Money’

The scripted and very staged “hush money trial” against former President Donald Trump resumed Thursday morning following a hearing over Judge Juan Merchan’s gag order, where he fined Trump $9,000 for 9 separate violations on Tuesday. This meant that Trump had the day off from court on Wednesday, May 1st, the 248th birthday of the Jesuit Bavarian Illuminati, as covered yesterday. Remember, the mugshot of Trump was taken on the 24th of August, as

Trump Theatre: Lawyer for Stormy Daniels Denies ‘Hush Money’ Read the Full Article »

Illuminati Celebrations: Five Human Skeletons Found Outside House of Hermann Göring

Yesterday was May 1st, known as ‘May Day,’ and also the birthday of the German Bavarian Illuminati, the Jesuit-founded order that later became the ‘Order of the Illuminati,’ and the order that influenced and helped in founding Freemasonry as a secret society, and especially Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry within the United States. And while Bavarian Illuminati was founded in Germany, its founder, the Jesuit Adam Weishaupt, was in fact Jewish. And the

Illuminati Celebrations: Five Human Skeletons Found Outside House of Hermann Göring Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Trump’s Hush Money Trial Begins

This Monday, April 15, 2024, was the first day of a scripted and totally staged “historic criminal trial,” as Donald Trump, as the first former “president,” faced criminal charges related to a hush money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels in 2016 as well as 34 counts of falsifying business records. Of course, “hush money” equals 34 in the most important cipher, and so does Stormy, as in Stormy Daniels where it all

World Stage: Trump’s Hush Money Trial Begins Read the Full Article »

Man-Made Earthquake Rattles New York and the Northeast

Only two days after the man-made earthquake in Taiwan on Jesus’ crucifixion day, we had yet another man-made earthquake hitting New York and its surrounding area. According to the media, an estimate indicated that the quake might have been felt by more than 42 million people (the Jesuit number of Saturn) in 14 states from Maine to North Carolina. And while the North East have had minor quakes in the past, this one, although

Man-Made Earthquake Rattles New York and the Northeast Read the Full Article »

Oppenheimer’s 7 Awards and John Cena’s “Nude” Ritual on the 70th Day of the Year

According to the media, the Oscars continued to rebound with its biggest audience since 2020 thanks to abysmal movies such as “Oppenheimer” and “Barbie,” averaging 19.5 million viewers on Sunday night. Now, I have no idea how anyone could watch such extreme satanic filth, and with the revolting puppet Jimmy Kimmel as host to boot, but I guess some people did, even if the numbers are inflated and scripted. Of course, being the satanic

Oppenheimer’s 7 Awards and John Cena’s “Nude” Ritual on the 70th Day of the Year Read the Full Article »

Jacob Rothschild of NM Rothschild & Sons dead at 87

I’ve covered the Rothschilds in several articles. To summarize, Rothschild means ‘red shield,’ the symbol of the Roman Empire and the Order of Malta, the protectors of the Vatican, of the Holy Roman Empire. The Rothschilds are close to the Borghese family, who have a dragon in their shield of arms, and are also part of the Order of Malta (aka., Knights of Malta,) of the Draco Empire (The Saturn cult, as in the

Jacob Rothschild of NM Rothschild & Sons dead at 87 Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 9

In this part we will continue our journey through the history of mind control through the 1990’s where we once again see the flip of the coin as the ‘golden era’ of the right-wing is switched to the opposite agendas of the left-wing. In 1990 the mystery serial drama Twin Peaks premiered and ran for two seasons until cancelled in 1991, leaving it on a cliffhanger ending – only to return in 2017 for

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 9 Read the Full Article »

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