
Human Growth Hormone. Applications, and the aging process

Human Growth Hormone Applications, and the aging process Written by Joachim Bartoll, October 2016 and February 2017.Classic Muscle Newsletter #31 Part 1 Perhaps no other hormone in the body is subject to more misconceptions than human growth hormone (GH). If you are to believe the many claims repeatedly made on numerous web sites and blogs, as well as that often voiced by various “anti-aging clinics,” GH is a miracle hormone that can set back […]

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Muscle Tension and Going to Failure

Written by Joachim Bartoll, February 15, 2016Classic Muscle Newsletter, February 2016 (issue #17) The concept of continuous muscle tension is quite old. We wrote about keeping a muscle under constant load/tension in our old internet magazine Ironmag Online in the late 90’s, and I’ve covered it from time to time on various discussion boards. The subject of tension and muscle failure usually comes up after some “know-it-all” has watched a video of a pro

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One of my most popular published muscle building programs for BODY Magazine. A lot of the methods used here are also present in my book ‘The Maximum Muscle Guide’ from 2009. It was written during November of 2010 and published in the January 2011 issue of the Swedish Bodybuilding magazine BODY. I wrote for BODY Magazine during 2006 to 2011.

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