
How About Preventing Prostate Cancer Instead?

On April 13, I reviewed an article by T-Nation on ejaculating and the possible effect on testosterone, where they as usual, got several things backwards. To make a long story short, too frequent ejaculations, as in every or every other day could have a small negative impact on testosterone, while actually getting aroused, as in sexually stimulated, temporarily raises testosterone. So, in other words, engaging in sexual activity, or pleasing yourself, as long as […]

How About Preventing Prostate Cancer Instead? Read the Full Article »

Dry Fasting – The Best way to Fast? Part 2 of 2

In the first part we looked at the differences between a ‘water fast’ and a ‘dry fast,’ and we also looked at autophagy and metabolic pathways. In this part we will continue with going deeper into the body’s ability to manufacture its own endogenous metabolic water and also look at detoxification and how it works. The first part: Body fat turned into water Water makes up 10% of the contents in fat cells while

Dry Fasting – The Best way to Fast? Part 2 of 2 Read the Full Article »

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