
Biden and Netanyahu Spoke on the 51st Anniversary of Twin Towers’ Inauguration

According to their script, on April 4, 2024, Biden and Netanyahu spoke for 30 minutes via phone for the first time since the staged and fake Israeli strike supposedly killed seven aid workers from the World Central Kitchen in Gaza. Of course, April 4 was the anniversary of the inauguration of the Twin Towers that took place on April 4, 1973, marking April 4, 2024, as the 51st year since the inauguration. Keep in […]

Biden and Netanyahu Spoke on the 51st Anniversary of Twin Towers’ Inauguration Read the Full Article »

The ‘3’ US Troops Killed at Tower ‘22’ Psy-Op

On January 28, 2024, three US Troops were allegedly killed in Jordan at “Tower 22.” Yes, ‘3’ troops at Tower ‘22,’ as in ‘322,’ as in Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry. Not to mention the two “Tower” Symbolism. Complete mockery. And since they manufactured this fake story, it has trended every single day on CNN, all through January 28 to January 30. The fake attack was staged on January 28, it was said

The ‘3’ US Troops Killed at Tower ‘22’ Psy-Op Read the Full Article »

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 48

The previous part is here: parts of this series can be found here: In early 628 AD, Byzantine (Roman) Emperor Heraclius issued an ultimatum for peace to Sasanian (Persian) King Khosrow II or Iran, but he refused the generous terms. As a result, the war-weary Persians revolted against Khosrow’s regime at the capital of Ctesiphon and Khosrow’s son Kavadh II was installed as new king.Kavadh immediately killed his father and began negotiations

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 48 Read the Full Article »

Halloween Israel-Hamas Fake News by the Numbers

Yesterday, October 31st, was Halloween, also known as Samhain, the first Highest Satanic holiday and the celebration of the beginning of the Celtic Year (Nov. 1st). In Catholicism (also Satanic,) November 1st is known as All Saints’ Day, which is also celebrated on Halloween, or the ‘Eve of All Hallows day.’ On this highly Satanic day, that no sane person would participate in, or let their children participate in, the hidden hand that rules

Halloween Israel-Hamas Fake News by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

Israel-Hamas Psy-Op: October 30 Headlines by the Numbers

Yesterday, October 30, was a day with some special date-numerology, including that of 9, 11, 47, 63 and 83. Putting 9 and 11 together should be self-explanatory, as it reads as their hoax-code of 9/11, something that is tied to staged events within the realm of war and terrorism psy-ops, like the staged demolition of the Twin Towers and now the ongoing staged and fake war between Israel and Hamas. 63 is 6+3, as

Israel-Hamas Psy-Op: October 30 Headlines by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

World Stage: First Humanitarian Aid Arrived in Gaza

Allegedly, the first aid did not reach Gaza until after exactly 14 days of the fake war, on October 21, 2023. Aid = 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14 On October 21, when ‘twenty trucks’ of ‘humanitarian aid’ reached Gaza, there were 71 days remaining in the year. The same day as Palestinian President ‘Mahmoud Abbas’ called for a peace summit to end the war between Israel and Hamas. Humanitarian Aid =

World Stage: First Humanitarian Aid Arrived in Gaza Read the Full Article »

Joe Biden Visits Israel and Biblically Cancels Jordan Arab League Meeting

Puppet and actor Joe Biden visited Israel on October 18, 2023, on the four-year anniversary of Event 201, the ‘revelation of the method’ for their previous hoax, the fake coronavirus plandemic. As you know, Event 201 was named in honor of their masters, the Jesuit Order and their famous number of 201, that we have decoded hundreds of times. And, that takes us to this staged and fake war, their latest psy-op, also orchestrated

Joe Biden Visits Israel and Biblically Cancels Jordan Arab League Meeting Read the Full Article »

The Gaza Hospital Bombing

In yesterday’s decode of the staged and very fake shooting in Brussels, Belgium, I mentioned that October 17 would be a perfect day to attack Gaza by the numbers, and that is exactly what happened. As I have no contacts in the immediate area, it’s impossible to say if most of this was staged and faked, or if it was real, a sacrifice ritual. In the lying mainstream media, they claim that a spokesperson

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