Climate Agenda

More Weather Warfare: Vulcanic Eruption in South Pacific and Tsunami to Follow

An underwater volcano, ‘Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai,’ in the South Pacific erupted about 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) southeast of Tonga’s Fonuafo’ou island, first erupted on Friday and a second time on Saturday around 5:26 p.m. local time. Only two numerical values are mentioned in the article. 18.6 miles = (1 + 8) . 6 = 9.6 = 96 Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai = 96 5:26 PM = 5 + 2 + 6 = 13South Pacific = 130 = 13 (as […]

More Weather Warfare: Vulcanic Eruption in South Pacific and Tsunami to Follow Read the Full Article »

The Colorado Fires – Agenda 21 Ritual

UN’s Agenda 21 was primarily about strengthening the Climate Change fraud, which exploded with Jesuit puppets such as Greta Thunberg and their escalation of weather warfare from weather modification technology. This is nothing new, as they started with cloud seeding during the 40’s and made no secret of it until much later. During the 80’s HAARP was patented and implemented and that technology of using radio waves to shatter or form cloud formations evolved

The Colorado Fires – Agenda 21 Ritual Read the Full Article »

Fake Report Warns of Fake Climate Change and its Fictional Impact on Health

In early 2021 I warned several times that the Climate Change Hoax Agenda would resurface with vengeance in 2021. And now it has.We’ve seen multiple man-made weather-warfare catastrophes hit on an escalating and continuous basis since around May/June of 2021.And now, they have made up some silly report warning us of the ‘severe impact’ of “climate change” on human health. The article says: “The report said during a 6 month period in 2020, 51.6

Fake Report Warns of Fake Climate Change and its Fictional Impact on Health Read the Full Article »

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