
Zinc Deficiency Is Impossible On A Natural Animal-Based Diet

Today we return to T-Nation, the fitness wannabe supplement pushers that never have studied biochemistry, nor looked into simple biology or physiology. In their recent article on “zinc deficiency,” they once again fail to differentiate between organic and bioavailable minerals and inorganic non-bioavailable minerals. Let’s see what else they made a mess of. “Relying on the RDI (Recommended Dietary Intake) system is tricky business. The RDI provides guidelines for nutrient intake. The problem? The […]

Zinc Deficiency Is Impossible On A Natural Animal-Based Diet Read the Full Article »

Toxic Matcha Will Not Help With Cognitive Decline, Only Animal Foods Will

Today we return to and one of their summaries of yet another totally braindead and unnecessary study, and I will explain why with some simple and established facts from biochemistry, physiology and biology. In short, if you have any understanding of the human body and the properties of plant compounds, you would never waste time or money on conducting such as retarded study as this. What was studied? “The effect of matcha (a

Toxic Matcha Will Not Help With Cognitive Decline, Only Animal Foods Will Read the Full Article »

The Sattvic Diet — A Deadly Modern Vegan Construct With No Historical Basis

Today we return to the wannabe-fitness online publication Iron Magazine and their gullible and totally clueless writer Matt Weik as he continues his journey of total ignorance in the fantasy land of retarded diets. And as always, I’ll try my best to be nice although I’m wading through a muddy lake of shit. Or at least, somewhat nice. Nah, I will tell it like it is, as I always do. No silly filters. So,

The Sattvic Diet — A Deadly Modern Vegan Construct With No Historical Basis Read the Full Article »

Forcing The Body to Use More Energy By Increased Detoxification Is Not A Good Idea

Today we return to T-Nation and their clueless and protein-obsessed writer Chris Shugart, a guy I’ve had to correct more times than I care to remember. This time he’s once again raving about the alleged metabolic/thermogenic effects of protein, which in reality are almost negligible. We already know that protein is used for several processes in the body, processes that require energy — so about 20 to 30 % of the energy content in

Forcing The Body to Use More Energy By Increased Detoxification Is Not A Good Idea Read the Full Article »

The Dark Truths About Fluoride

Healthline, the atrocious website who also operates Medical News Today and is owned by Red Ventures are focused on spreading misinformation and the backwards-thinking perverted medical “science” to keep you as unhealthy and “disease” ridden as possible. In other words, their mission is to keep you as a life-long weak, obedient, dumbed-down, and low-energy slave and customer to Big Pharma and the government. As part of that mission, they recently posted an article on

The Dark Truths About Fluoride Read the Full Article »

Forget Toxic Supplements — You Can Only Get Vitamin B12 From Animal Foods

The supplement pushers at T-Nation are back with another ignorant and potentially dangerous advertisement article — this time “tackling” the problem of vitamin B12 deficiency among clueless and dumbed down plant-based morons. Before we get ahead of ourselves and laugh our asses off from reading their “recommendations,” let’s start from the beginning and see what else they got wrong. “When researchers studied over 160,000 vegans and vegetarians, they discovered an alarming trend: their mental

Forget Toxic Supplements — You Can Only Get Vitamin B12 From Animal Foods Read the Full Article »

Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan

After this Saturday’s article on the toxicity of nuts (seeds) my social media was flooded by comments and questions. While the majority of comments were positive, as my friends and followers are awake and of higher intelligence than the average sleeping sheeple, some comments were from people who never really commented before — most likely people who never looked at biology, physiology or biochemistry and simply believe in mainstream backwards “nutrition science” and “medical

Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan Read the Full Article »

Nuts (Seeds) Are Extremely Toxic And Useless

As I’m a bit short on time, we return to for today’s “shorter” article and their summary of yet another stupid and unnecessary nutritional meta-analysis. And to be clear, a meta-analysis is a statistical method of combining and synthesizing the results of multiple independent studies addressing a “common research question.” So, what was this common question, this fascinating puzzle they had to solve this time? Well, this bunch of monkeys went through a

Nuts (Seeds) Are Extremely Toxic And Useless Read the Full Article »

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