
Jesuit China Claim Landing on Far Side of the Moon

According to the Jesuit-controlled media, China’s Chang’e-6 lunar lander successfully touched down on the far side of the moon Sunday morning Beijing time (still Saturday in the U.S.) They claim it is a significant step for the ambitious mission that could advance the country’s aspirations of putting astronauts on the moon. Well, as anyone of above average intelligence know, no-one has ever visited, much less sat foot on the moon. It’s one of those […]

Jesuit China Claim Landing on Far Side of the Moon Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 12

We are now closing in on current times. In part 11 we ended with 2006 and the fake ‘whistleblower’ organization Wikileaks by controlled opposition and media actor Julian Assange. 2006 was also the era of credit default swaps, leading to a “global” recession of saving the banks with endless debt and endless cash flow for the elite families.I also mentioned that during 2004, we noticed an increase in concepts like open source, creative commons,

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 12 Read the Full Article »

China Claims That 60,000 People Have Died of CONvid in Last 35 Days

Release the Kraken and open the floodgates of CONvid propaganda. Here we go again. Another made-up fake story all done by the numbers. I recently covered their newly invented variant named Kraken and I also said that they would do another push of this staged and fake pandemic. The theme is the same as in earlier reports of recurring “outbreaks,” telling us that deaths has increased dramatically after they abandoned their tight “zero-Covid” policy.

China Claims That 60,000 People Have Died of CONvid in Last 35 Days Read the Full Article »

Orwell-19 Back ‘Three’ Years Later in Beijing, China – Extremely Coded; a Lesson in Gematria

The media has hinted a ‘comeback’ for the fake Orwell-19 virus, also known as COVAIDS-1984 or simply CONvid. I’ve covered a few of these stories, and as I wrote on October 24 in my article about the RSV-scam, the most likely comeback for Orwell-19 would be back in China during December, because that would be a ritualistic ‘three’ years celebration counting from the first faked ‘patient zero.’ The obvious comeback of the fake virus

Orwell-19 Back ‘Three’ Years Later in Beijing, China – Extremely Coded; a Lesson in Gematria Read the Full Article »

37-Million People are in Lockdown in China for Imaginary Omicron

Yes folks, here we go again with the biggest scam and psy-op in modern history, the staged and totally fake coronavirus pandemic. At this point in time, most people should realize that they have been conned. There is no such thing as a virus or a contagion. We’ve blown that lie out of the water a billion times. As for this story, it was announced today, March 15, 2022, on several media outlets, including

37-Million People are in Lockdown in China for Imaginary Omicron Read the Full Article »

China flies record 56 warplanes in yet another Jesuit ‘56’ ritual

Sometimes we need a reminder that EVERY country, just as every major corporation, are controlled by the same families and their occult orders. They ALL follow the same scripts and rituals. And now, it was time for China to play along as they continue the hints of China aggression towards Taiwan. This is of course a hand that can be dealt if they need to step up the game and stage a war. And

China flies record 56 warplanes in yet another Jesuit ‘56’ ritual Read the Full Article »

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