
Parasites 101: In An Healthy Environment We All Live Together In Perfect Balance

When the Elite Families who run this inverted clown-world from the shadows instigated the silly and staged Covid-19 psychological operation, their underlings pushed forward some of their controlled opposition to put focus on alternative medicine and remedies to lure in those who saw right through the maiming and deadly vaccines and the agenda of a staged pandemic. While some people recognized the juvenile virus hoax, that of “contagion,” that of biologically impossible transference of […]

Parasites 101: In An Healthy Environment We All Live Together In Perfect Balance Read the Full Article »

There Are No Real Health Benefits Of Sweating

Once again we return to Ironmagazine and their clueless writer Matt Weik, likely one the absolute worst of the fitness-wannabe writers out there. In this recently published article he tackled sweating. Let’s see how much he managed to get wrong this time. “Have you ever noticed those beads of sweat dripping down your face after a workout? There are actual health benefits of sweating that not many people are aware of.” Have I ever

There Are No Real Health Benefits Of Sweating Read the Full Article »

Oral Health: A Toothpaste Containing Curcumin And Melatonin Will Kill Cells In Your Mouth

Today we return to and a review of yet another idiotic study where they fail to explain what they found and how dangerous to your health it actually is. Also, this should be a no-brainer as we know that curcumin is a very potent poison and that synthetic melatonin is not the same as the melatonin naturally produced by the body, even if the chemical structure is almost identical and it can bind

Oral Health: A Toothpaste Containing Curcumin And Melatonin Will Kill Cells In Your Mouth Read the Full Article »

Stop Focusing On A Single Macronutrient, Focus on Species Specific Nutrition!

Remember the misguided obsession that Chris Shugart of T-Nation has for protein? Well, the imbecile Matt Weik of the competing Ironmagazine is now trying to follow in Shugart’s footsteps, and to be honest he stumbles quite a lot, as usual. Let’s see what crap he scattered all over his poor readers this time. “I was cruising the internet the other day and stumbled upon some information that I found interesting. The topic was that

Stop Focusing On A Single Macronutrient, Focus on Species Specific Nutrition! Read the Full Article »

The Dark Truths About Fluoride

Healthline, the atrocious website who also operates Medical News Today and is owned by Red Ventures are focused on spreading misinformation and the backwards-thinking perverted medical “science” to keep you as unhealthy and “disease” ridden as possible. In other words, their mission is to keep you as a life-long weak, obedient, dumbed-down, and low-energy slave and customer to Big Pharma and the government. As part of that mission, they recently posted an article on

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Walking Pneumonia Scare and A Look at Bacteria and Toxins

The shills at Medscape, via the extremely evil propaganda website WebMD, recently published an article about an alleged rise in “walking pneumonia” among children. Let’s see what they had to say. “Young children are increasingly being infected with bacteria that can lead to the illness known as walking pneumonia. A hallmark symptom is a cough that starts out dry but eventually produces moderate amounts of thick, non-bloody mucus. The cough can last for weeks.”

Walking Pneumonia Scare and A Look at Bacteria and Toxins Read the Full Article »

Fungal “Infections” Are Part of The Healing Process!

Yesterday I stumbled upon another retarded and backwards-thinking article by the medical- and pharmaceutical shill website Medscape. This time they voiced “concerns” about “drug-resistant” and “troublesome” fungal infections. Well, if you’re the least familiar with basic biology and physiology, you would be laughing out loud at their desperate silliness, the silliness and inverted thinking of the medical field, the biggest scam in the world, well, next to the food industry, that is. This will

Fungal “Infections” Are Part of The Healing Process! Read the Full Article »

No Daily Articles For a Couple of Days and a Few Words on Sinuses

If you followed me for a while, you know that I was very “sickly” as a kid as my mother worked several jobs including our farm and only breastfed for a short time, trying to make it up by giving me tons of toxic synthetic vitamins and minerals. I was diagnosed with severe asthma and allergies at the age of five and I usually had several outbreaks of ‘sinusitis,’ ‘pneumonia,’ and ‘otitis,’ (ear inflammation/infections)

No Daily Articles For a Couple of Days and a Few Words on Sinuses Read the Full Article »

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