All Seeing Eye

Puppet Elon Musk Sells 5.6% of Tesla Shares – All by the Numbers!

Although the Twitter acquisition was part distraction, one of the big reasons for this is to flare up the debate of ‘free speech’ and ‘disinformation’ in the media. A way to split people further into different camps and scare the programmable sleeping sheep into believing that information must be governed and controlled. The ruling Elite already know by the algorithms within their social media platforms that more and more people are waking up to […]

Puppet Elon Musk Sells 5.6% of Tesla Shares – All by the Numbers! Read the Full Article »

Simple Awareness Test

Take a few seconds and look at this advertisement from Swedish H&M. No need to see the whole 1:21, only 10 to 30 seconds or so will suffice. If you believe you just saw a normal advertisement with some women speaking about fashion and “spirituality,” well, then you’re a brainwashed, desensitized and severely dumbed down little sheep. No nicer way to put it. Sorry! However, if you saw extreme ‘one eye symbolism,’ vile creatures

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Japan Opposes Russian Withdrawal from World War II Peace Treaty Talks – in Order 322- and Illuminati-Tribute

Yes, it’s March 22, the 3/22, as in 322-date, and Japan’s Prime Minister is supposedly angry after Russia withdrew from peace treaty talks with Japan and froze joint economic projects related to the disputed Kuril Islands because of sanctions imposed by Tokyo over Russia’s staged and fake invasion of Ukraine. Japan’s Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida, was born on July 29, 1957, and this little outburst comes 129-days before his upcoming birthday. Jesuits = 129

Japan Opposes Russian Withdrawal from World War II Peace Treaty Talks – in Order 322- and Illuminati-Tribute Read the Full Article »

Chinese Boeing 737 Carrying 132 People Allegedly Crashed in a Tribute Ritual to The Order of the Illuminati

According to the Chinese Civil Aviation Administration (CAAC,) the Boeing 737 was on route from Kunming to Guangzhou when it lost contact over the city of Wuzhou. On board were 123 passengers and nine crew members, a total of 132 people. When looking at their footage, it looks totally fake as usual – embarrassingly so. And the drone footage from the air shows no wreckage at all, only a dried-out river bed. But I

Chinese Boeing 737 Carrying 132 People Allegedly Crashed in a Tribute Ritual to The Order of the Illuminati Read the Full Article »

Bitcoin value drops almost 50%

Bitcoin and all other crypto currencies have dropped a lot in the last couple of days, staring on January 20. This comes as no surprise as the crypto market is controlled by the Jesuits, and January 20 can be written as 20/1, or 201, the very important Jesuit number. The Jesuit Order = 201 Bitcoin went from about $43k on January 20 to $34k on January 22, when it panned out and recovery is

Bitcoin value drops almost 50% Read the Full Article »

The Matrix Resurrections Opening, 56- and 119-Numerology

Such a coincidence that the numbers “5 0 6”, as in “56”, slowly fly by on the screen at exactly 1:19, as in 119, during the opening scenes in the new Matrix Resurrections movie. Just as “5 0 6” was shown in the first movie. All Seeing Eye = 56 & 119 (Those who have experienced their Awakening often describe it as the moment their Eye was opened.) Also, the line “Bugs, this feels like

The Matrix Resurrections Opening, 56- and 119-Numerology Read the Full Article »

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