
World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 50

The previous part is here: parts of this series can be found here: In 646 AD, only a year after the revolt in Alexandria, the city was recaptured by the Muslim Arabs after the Byzantine/Roman Empire failed to retake Egypt. The failure by the Byzantine ended a nearly 1,000 years of rule by the Greco-Roman states of Alexandria and Egypt.Due to the failed attempt, Gregory the Patrician, the Byzantine exarch of Africa, […]

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 49

The previous part is here: parts of this series can be found here: In 637 AD, the Muslim Rashidun army of approximately 15,000 men, under Saʿd ibn Abi Waqqas, besieged the Persian capital of Ctesiphon. After roughly two months, the Persian/Sasanian King Yazdegerd III managed to flee with the imperial treasure eastward into Media.After capturing Ctesiphon, the cities Tikrit and Mosul were also captured, completing the conquest of Mesopotamia. The region west

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 48

The previous part is here: parts of this series can be found here: In early 628 AD, Byzantine (Roman) Emperor Heraclius issued an ultimatum for peace to Sasanian (Persian) King Khosrow II or Iran, but he refused the generous terms. As a result, the war-weary Persians revolted against Khosrow’s regime at the capital of Ctesiphon and Khosrow’s son Kavadh II was installed as new king.Kavadh immediately killed his father and began negotiations

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 47

The previous part is here: parts of this series can be found here: In 615 AD, the Slavs continued to settle in the Balkans, in what is now Bulgaria, Serbia, North Macedonia and parts of Greece. Meanwhile, the western territories of present-day Yugoslavia (Bosnia, Croatia and Dalmatia) suffered raids from the Avars, who also began settling in this region. In Britannia, the Anglo-Saxons, under King Æthelfrith of Northumbria, reached the Irish Sea

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 46

The previous part is here: parts of this series can be found here: In 599 AD, as 12,000 Byzantine soldiers were taken prisoners by the Avars in the Balkan Peninsula, Emperor Maurice refused to pay ransom and all of the soldiers were executed. Maurice’s failure to buy back his soldiers made him very unpopular among the Byzantine troops. In 600 AD, after rapidly growing and expanding, the Germanic and Slavic people began

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 33

The previous part is here: parts of this series can be found here: In 371 AD, Augustine of Hippo, age 17, travelled to Carthage, to continue his education in rhetoric. His writings would later influence the development of Western philosophy and Western Christianity, and he is still viewed as one of the most important Church Fathers of the Latin Church from the Patristic Period.He was influenced by the Neoplatonism of Plotinus. In

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 32

The previous part is here: parts of this series can be found here: By 340 AD, it was said that Constantinople, the capital of Emperor Constantius II, became the largest city in the world, taking the lead from Rome, the capital of his brother Constans.After infighting among the three brothers about territory, and by the influence of the Popes in Rome, who favored the new Roman version of Christianity over Arianism, Constantine

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 29

In part 28, the power struggle for being emperor of the Roman Empire continued to escalate during the 300th century, all while the empire was attacked on several fronts by the Goths and the Palmyrene Empire.However, by 274 AD, emperor Aurelian managed to invade both the Palmyrene Empire of North Africa as well as Gaul and Britain in Western Europe, and reclaimed the old territories of the former Roman Empire.Aurelian also had the Temple

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