World Stage: The Predicted Fake Trump Assassination Attempt Played Out on July 13 – Updated

In my August 11, 2022, article about the staged and fake Mar-a-Lago FBI raid I mentioned coded hints I found in several Trump stories of an looming assassination attempt on Donald Trump where he would receive a ‘head wound,’ symbolic of the staged and fake JFK assassination. At that time we believed it could happen after Trump had won the staged and fake 2024 election, as a way to bring back Obama. However, as […]

World Stage: The Predicted Fake Trump Assassination Attempt Played Out on July 13 – Updated Read the Full Article »

The Fallout After The Scripted Debate: Joe Biden By The Numbers

Since the scripted and staged “debate” between Donald Trump and whomever played the role of Joe Biden wearing a bodysuit, and really showcasing a old deranged man with cognitive difficulties, the media has been filled with stories about Biden retiring and a possible replacement for the staged and predetermined 2024 US (s)election. As most of you know, this is all scripted theater with actors following a script. It’s juvenile entertainment for grown-ups that are

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Illuminati Celebrations: Five Human Skeletons Found Outside House of Hermann Göring

Yesterday was May 1st, known as ‘May Day,’ and also the birthday of the German Bavarian Illuminati, the Jesuit-founded order that later became the ‘Order of the Illuminati,’ and the order that influenced and helped in founding Freemasonry as a secret society, and especially Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry within the United States. And while Bavarian Illuminati was founded in Germany, its founder, the Jesuit Adam Weishaupt, was in fact Jewish. And the

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World Stage: Nuclear Propaganda on March 9

While several News Outlets had articles covering “Ideal Conditions for a Nuclear Strike on NATO,” and “Nuclear War: The Rising Risk, and How We Stop It,” CNN featured an “exclusive” stating that “US had prepared for potential Russian nuclear strike in Ukraine in late 2022.” Of course, that “potential” Russian ‘nuclear strike’ in 2022 never happened, because there is no such thing as a “nuclear weapon” or an “atomic bomb.” That is all pseudo-science

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Fake “Hacker Attacks” on The Rise Again – Microsoft and Facebook

As the story goes, “Russian state-backed hackers,” (it’s anybody’s guess how they “know” they’re “state-backed”,) gained access to some of Microsoft’s core software systems in a “hack” first disclosed in January.As of this Friday, March 8, 2024, Microsoft announced that the alleged hack was more serious than first thought, and that during the last week it has led to information being stolen from Microsoft’s corporate email systems and to access to “some of the

Fake “Hacker Attacks” on The Rise Again – Microsoft and Facebook Read the Full Article »

What Happened on the Jesuit’s Recognition Day?

The Jesuit Order was founded by Ignatius of Loyola on August 15, 1534, and six years later, Pope Paul III officially recognized the order on September 27, 1540.As you probably know by now, the Roman Empire never ended, it simply continued as the Catholic Church and the Jesuit Order, the main tools of governance of the ruling ‘elites.’ So, let’s take a quick look at some of the headlines from Yesterday, September 27, the

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Satanic Rituals: Apple Unveiled iPhone 15

Here we go again with Apple, symbolizing the forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden. You know, the company controlled by the elite families that priced their first shitty consumer computer at a symbolic $666.66, the Number of the Beast. Of course, this time it is iPhone 15, as in 1+5 equals 6, and CNN simply had to list 6 takeaways from Apple’s event. Yep, those sixes are everywhere in this story. Not only

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Man-Made 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Morocco

On Friday night, September 8, on the anniversary of Queen Elizabeth’s death and the alleged birthday of Virgin/Saint Mary (celebrated by the Catholic Church/the Jesuit Order,) a 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit Morocco – the first recorded earthquake above magnitude 6 in north Africa in more than 100 years.Also, historically, we have the ‘Battle of Cadiz’ in 1587, where Philip II of Spain tried to invade England to restore Catholicism, and Elizabeth I ordered a

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