Hilarious! Germany Shows Us That Those Taking the Vaccine are Brainwashed Sheep!

Of all the psy-ops they have pulled off through our history, that of imaginary viruses, transmittable diseases and pandemics are the biggest of them all. While believing in viruses is a result of indoctrination, conditioning and the unwillingness to question and research on your own, believing in the staged pandemic is more a result of being gullible like a sheep and lacking any kind of critical thinking skills, including common sense. It’s so obviously […]

Hilarious! Germany Shows Us That Those Taking the Vaccine are Brainwashed Sheep! Read the Full Article »

Richard Leakey, who helped “prove” humankind evolved in Africa, dies at 77

We know that history (his-story) as told today is mostly fabricated and recorded events are stretched out and separated to give the illusion that more time has passed than really has. Many of us have seen and experienced so many things that common sense simply tells us that most of the theory of evolution and the history of humankind is fabricated nonsense. So, it’s not really surprising that Richard Leaky dies as such a

Richard Leakey, who helped “prove” humankind evolved in Africa, dies at 77 Read the Full Article »

John Madden and Harry Reid Dead in Combined Jesuit Ritual (updated)

On December 28, the deaths of John Madden (85) and Harry Reid (82) made top headlines beside each other, and not by coincidence. John Earl Madden = 61 & 74Harry Reid = 61 & 74 John Madden = 88Harry Mason Reid Jr = 88 John Madden = 56 & 65 (and 47, the reflection of 74)Harry Reid = 56 & 65 (and 74, the reflection of 47) Now, 47 is the number of degrees

John Madden and Harry Reid Dead in Combined Jesuit Ritual (updated) Read the Full Article »

The Matrix Resurrections Opening, 56- and 119-Numerology

Such a coincidence that the numbers “5 0 6”, as in “56”, slowly fly by on the screen at exactly 1:19, as in 119, during the opening scenes in the new Matrix Resurrections movie. Just as “5 0 6” was shown in the first movie. All Seeing Eye = 56 & 119 (Those who have experienced their Awakening often describe it as the moment their Eye was opened.) Also, the line “Bugs, this feels like

The Matrix Resurrections Opening, 56- and 119-Numerology Read the Full Article »

Bill Gates Allegedly Cancelling His Holiday Plans – Major Ritual

The Jesuit puppet and vaccine frontman (woman) Bill Gates first tweeted about imaginary and nonexistent Omicron and cancelling his holiday plans on December 21. Then he was interviewed (of course) by CNN on December 22 – all part of a propaganda and programming of the sheep ritual done by the numbers. The original Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. That means that the interview on December 22 came exactly on his 56th

Bill Gates Allegedly Cancelling His Holiday Plans – Major Ritual Read the Full Article »

Moderna Claim Boosters for Omicron – More Lies for the Braindead

Yes, more obvious blatant propaganda lies to get the braindead sheep to take more boosters – more maiming, sterilizing and deadly shots against something that does not exist. It’s about bloody time to wake up now little sheep. This absurd story broke on December 20 and is full of numerology and gematria, as all their fabricated stories. Notice how they always put “Breaking” or “Breaking News” on these propaganda stories. Breaking News = 56

Moderna Claim Boosters for Omicron – More Lies for the Braindead Read the Full Article »

Man Test Positive of Moronic… Omicron in Minnesota in 56-Ritual

The show must go on, as they say. No matter how ridiculous it is.I’ve covered the imaginary Omicron in length, just as with Delta before that, which now seem to have disappeared altogether. Isn’t that strange?I guess it must be hard keeping up with all the lies, and the sleeping sheep doesn’t even notice, so why bother? Omicron is the new scare tactic to manipulate the weak-minded into multiple booster shots. The depopulation agenda

Man Test Positive of Moronic… Omicron in Minnesota in 56-Ritual Read the Full Article »

Another ‘Blood Sacrifice’ Ritual on December 1st – Jacqueline Avant Shot to Death at 2:23 AM

The story mentions that she was married in ’67 and shot to death on December 1, as in 12/1 = 121. Blood Sacrifice = 67 & 121Human Sacrifice = 67 Yes, the same numbers they used in the staged Michigan School Shootings. As I said many times, they love to connect their rituals. And of course, Jacqueline Avant equals the ever so much used code of ‘56’ in the Full Reduction cipher. Jacqueline Avant

Another ‘Blood Sacrifice’ Ritual on December 1st – Jacqueline Avant Shot to Death at 2:23 AM Read the Full Article »

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